Autoclave Engineers
Pneumatic Valve Actuator
从1945年开始,Autoclave Engineers开始生产具有安全、可靠操作性的高压阀系统,它们可以适用于各种温度、压力和环境状况。今天,Autoclave Engineers已经发展成为各类高压行业提供可靠的高压阀、接头和管子的世界领先者。产品性能是Autoclave Engineers对客户的承诺,Autoclave的阀、接头和管子满足严格的标准,它的压力可以从0到150,000 psi(10343 bar) ,温度从 0 到 1200°F (650°C)有上千种变化。别的工厂能比Autoclave Engineers在高压要求方面做得更好,也别的工厂能比Autoclave Engineers做的系统更可靠和具有创新的特性。Autoclave Engineers的产品为满足客户的各种需求而设计,并且具有品质高,交货准时,价格适当的特点。
最大系统压力:150,000 psi (10343 bar)
温度:-40°F (-40°C)到200°F (93°C)

Autoclave Valve Actuator
Actuator Quick Selection Guide
3-4 Piston Style Pneumatic Actuators
5 Diaphragm Style Pneumatic Actuators
6 Sizing Data “Air-to-Close”
7-9 Sizing Data “Air-to-Open”
10-15 Solenoid Valve Packages
Pneumatic Valve Actuator
Pressures to 150,000 psi (10342 bar)
The need to control process and vent valves from a remote location makes air operated valves a vital component to many processing operations.
All Autoclave Engineer’s valves are available with diaphragm or piston type actuators. Five sizes of air actuators (light, heavy light, medium, heavy duty or extra heavy) are offered to meet the service requirements of Autoclave Engineer’s Low, Medium and High Pressure valves. Both air-to-open (normally closed) and air-to-close (normally open) designs are included in the product line.
For most Autoclave Engineers valve series there is a choice of two or more actuator designs. This provides the most efficient and economical pneumatic valve operation for any combination of process requirements and available air pressure.
Actuators are available for outdoor service. These operators provide corrosion resistant components and prevent the ingress of outside elements.
Solenoid valve packages are available for on/off control of the supply air to the valve actuator. Packages contain the solenoid valve and fittings required to connect the air operator.
Pneumatic Valve Actuators -General information
Pressures to 150,000 psi (10342 bar)
Pneumatic Actuator
Pressures to 150,000 psi (10342 bar)
Five sizes of air operators (light, heavy light, medium, heavy duty or extra heavy) are offered for remote on-off operation or automatic operation of Autoclave Engineer’s low, medium or high pressure valves. The actuators are available in air-to-open (normally closed) and air-to-close (normally open) designs.
Remote on-off
Autoclave Engineer’s air-operated valves (ATO- Air-To-Open or ATC-Air-To-Close) can be controlled by a 3-way manual low pressure valve or by a low pressure solenoid valve. These are actuated by either a manual switch or an automatic control instrument. Autoclave Engineer’s air-operated, high pressure valves permit process control from a remotely located panel without the necessity of piping high pressure lines to the control panel. Safety is greatly increased and process “holdup” is reduced.
Prudent selection of ATO or ATC valves, together with the air controlling devices, permits the design of systems to “fail safe” in either the closed or open condition in the event of loss of operating air, or electrical failure, or malfunction.
Where explosion proof conditions are a requirement, pneumatic actuated valves can be considered. Remote mounting of the solenoid valve removes the potential from the hazardous area.
Ordering Procedure
To order a valve with an air operator, select the duty rating and type of the air operator from the chart below. Add the air operator identifying suffix to the catalog number of the Autoclave Engineer’s valve. To order a 2-way straight, 30VM vee stem, 9/16” valve with a medium duty air-to-close air operator, specify: ex: 30VM9071-C1S for a yoke style piston air actuated valve or 30VM9071-CM for an integral style diaphragm air operated valve.
To order the same valve with an extended high temperature stuffing box, add HT to the ordering number: ex: 30VM9071C1SHT or 30VM9071-CMHT.
To order a dual air operator manifold valve, specify both operators. The same valve with a medium duty ATC on one stem and a medium duty ATO on the other, specify: ex: 30VM9075-C1SO1S.
To order a valve with operators for outdoor service add an “OD” suffix to the catalog number.
Duty Rating Operator Type Ordering Suffix
Air-to-open OL
Light Diaphragm Air-to-close CL
Piston Air-to-open OLP
Air-to-close CLP
Heavy-Light Piston Air-to-open OHLP
Air-to-open OM
Medium Diaphragm Air-to-close CM
Piston Air-to-open O1S
Air-to-close C1S
Air-to-open OH
Heavy Diaphragm Air-to-close CH
Piston Air-to-open O2S
Air-to-close C2S
Extra Heavy Piston Air-to-open HO2S
Air-to-close HC2S
Pneumatic Valve Actuators -Actuator Quick Selector Guide
This table allows the designer to quickly select an appropriate air air pressure is 60 psi (4.14 bar) and an air-to-open (spring fail actuator based on valve style and size, maximum system operating closed) valve is required, a 30VM or 60VM valve with a heavy duty pressure and maximum available air pressure. For example, if the air operator can be used. More specific sizing data is available in system operating pressure is 25,000 psi (1724 bar) and the available the sizing charts on the following pages.
Valve Tube Air-to-Close Air-to-Open
Light Medium Heavy Extra Heavy Light Medium Heavy Extra Heavy
Series Outside Diameter in (mm) System Pressure psi (bar) Air Pressure psi (bar) System Pressure psi (bar) Air Pressure psi (bar) System Pressure psi (bar) Air Pressure psi (bar) System Pressure psi (bar) Air Pressure psi (bar) System Pressure psi (bar) Air Pressure psi (bar) System Pressure psi (bar) Air Pressure psi (bar) System Pressure psi (bar) Air Pressure psi (bar) System Pressure psi (bar) Air Pressure psi (bar)
1/8 11,000 70 11,000 30 8,200 60 11,000 40
(3.18) (758.41) (4.83) (758.41) (2.07) (565.36) (4.14) (758.41) (2.76)
1/4 11,500 100 11,500 35 5,600 60 11,500 45
10V (6.35) (792.88) (6.89) (792.88) (2.41) (386.10) (4.14) (792.88) (3.10)
3/8 10,000 100 10,000 35 5,600 60 10,000 55
(9.52) (689.46) (6.89) (689.46) (2.41) (386.10) (4.14) (689.46) (3.79)
1/2 5,500 50 5,500 75
(12.70) (379.21) (3.45) (379.21) (5.17)
1/4 11,500 60 11,500 85
(6.35) (792.88) (4.14) (792.88) (5.86)
SW 3/8 (9.52) 10,000 (689.46) 70 (4.83) 10,000 (689.46) 95 (6.55)
1/2 5,500 70 5,500 35 5,500 95 5,500 50
(12.70) (379.21) (4.83) (379.21) (2.41) (379.21) (6.55) (379.21) (3.45)
9/16 8,600 100 10,000 55 10,000 20 7,900 95 10,000 75 10,000 40
(14.27) (592.94) (6.89) (689.46) (3.79) (689.46) (1.38) (544.68) (6.55) (689.46) (5.17) (689.46) (2.76)
10SM 3/4 (19.05) 4,800 (330.94) 100 (6.89) 10,000 (689.46) 100 (6.89) 10,000 (689.46) 35 (2.41) 7,000 (482.63) 75 (5.17) 10,000 (689.46) 60 (4.14)
1 2,800 100 6,300 100 10,000 35 4,300 75 10,000 85
(25.40) (193.05) (6.89) (434.36) (6.89) (689.46) (2.41) (296.47) (5.17) (689.46) (5.86)
1/4 20,000 95 20,000 50 20,000 95 20,000 50
(6.35) (1378.93) (6.55) (1378.93 (3.45) (1378.93) (6.55) (1378.93) (3.45)
3/8 19,000 100 20,000 55 18,250 95 18,250 50
(9.52) (1309.98) (6.89) (1378.93 (3.79) (1258.27) (6.55) (1258.27) (3.45)
20SM 9/16 10,700 100 20,000 85 20,000 30 9,800 95 15,700 75 20,000 55
(14.27) (737.73) (6.89) (1378.93) (5.86) (1378.93) (2.07) (675.68) (6.55) (1082.46) (5.17) (1378.93) (3.79)
3/4 6,100 100 13,600 100 20,000 50 9,200 75 20,000 80
(19.05) (420.57) (6.89) (937.67) (6.89) (1378.93) (3.45) (634.31) (5.17) (1378.93) (5.52)
1 3,900 100 8,800 100 20,000 75 6,100 75 20,000 100
(25.40) (268.89) (6.89) (606.73) (6.89) (1378.93) (5.17) (420.57) (5.17) (1378.93) (6.89)
30SC 1 (25.40) 30,000 (2068.39) 80 (5.52) 30,000 (2068.39) 100 (6.89)
Maximum pressure rating is based on the lowest rating of any component.
Actual working pressure may be determined by tubing pressure rating, if lower.
All dimensions for reference only and subject to change.
For prompt service, Autoclave stocks select products. Consult your local representative.
Pneumatic Valve Actuators -Actuator Quick Selector Guide
Valve Tube Air-to-Close Air-to-Open
Light Medium Heavy Extra Heavy Light Medium Heavy Extra Heavy
Series Outside System Air System Air System Air System Air System Air System Air System Air System Air
Diameter Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure
in (mm) psi (bar) psi (bar) psi (bar) psi (bar) psi (bar) psi (bar) psi (bar) psi (bar) psi (bar) psi (bar) psi (bar) psi (bar) psi (bar) psi (bar) psi (bar) psi (bar)
1/4 30,000 50 30,000 30 30,000 75 30,000 40
(6.35) (2068.39) (3.45) (2068.39) (2.07) (2068.39) (5.17) (2068.39) (2.76)
30VM 3/8 (9.52) 30,000 (2068.39) 75 (5.17) 30,000 (2068.39) 40 (2.76) 30,000 (2068.39) 95 (6.55) 30,000 (2068.39) 50 (3.45)
9/16 30,000 75 30,000 40 30,000 95 30,000 50
(14.27) (2068.39) (5.17) (2068.39) (2.76) (2068.39) (6.55) (2068.39) (3.45)
40VM 9/16 (14.27) 40,000 (2757.86) 45 (3.10) 40,000 (2757.86) 55 (3.79)
1/4 60,000 75 60,000 40 60,000 95 60,000 50
(6.35) (4136.79) (5.17) (4136.79) (2.76) (4136.79) (6.55) (4136.79) (3.45)
60VM 3/8 (9.52) 60,000 (4136.79) 75 (5.17) 60,000 (4136.79) 40 (2.76) 60,000 (4136.79) 95 (6.55) 60,000 (4136.79) 50 (3.45)
9/16 60,000 90 60,000 45 60,000 95 60,000 50
(14.27) (4136.79) (6.21) (4136.79) (3.10) (4136.79) (6.55) (4136.79) (3.45)
100VM 5/16 (7.92) 50,000 (3447.32) 100 (6.89) 100,000 (6894.65) 85 (5.86) 90,000 (6205.18) 75 (5.17)
150VM 5/16 150,000 80 150,000 75
(7.92) (10341.97) (5.52) (10341.97) (5.17)
MVE/MV Mini Valves Series Air-to-Open
MVE MV 1/16 (1.57) 15,000 (1034.20) 100 (6.89)
1/8 (3.18) 15,000 (1034.20) 100 (6.89)
Maximum pressure rating is based on the lowest rating of any component.
Actual working pressure may be determined by tubing pressure rating, if lower.
All dimensions for reference only and subject to change.
For prompt service, Autoclave stocks select products. Consult your local representative.
Pneumatic Valve Actuators -Piston Style Pneumatic
Pressures to 150,000 psi (10342 bar)
Piston type air-operated valves offer a unique, reliable design providing for a long and dependable life. These valves are more compact than diaphragm valves and are appropriate for applications such as high-flow gas and liquid delivery systems to reactors and mixer/vaporizers.
Autoclave Engineer’s piston type actuators feature:
Small, compact, piston actuator
Air-to-open or -close with spring return
Yoke design for separation of process and air pressure .
Ease of stem replacement
Stem position indicator is standard .
Positive shut-off metal-to-metal seating
High actuator cycle life
Air Operator Materials
Cylinder, piston, cover plates, spring housing
. Anodized aluminum (for corrosion and wear resistance).
. Painted Steel
Technical Data
Air Operator
Maximum allowable working pressure: 100 psi (6.89 bar)
Allowable piston temperature range: -20°F to 200°F
(-29°C to 93°C)
Area of piston:
Light duty - 4.9 sq. in (31.6 sq. cm)
Heavy-Light duty - 5.4 sq. in (34.8 sq. cm)
Medium duty - 19.6 sq. in (126.5 sq. cm)
Heavy duty - 39.2 sq. in (252.9 sq. cm)
Extra Heavy duty - 112 sq. in (722.6 sq. cm)
Approximate air usage/cycle @ 100 psi (6.89 bar):
Light duty - .003 SCF (.00008 SCM)
Heavy-Light duty - .007 SCF (.0002 SCM)
Medium duty - .04 SCF (.0011 SCM)
Heavy duty - .08 SCF (.0022 SCM)
Extra Heavy duty - .67 SCF (.019 SCM)
Tested to 100,000 cycles at 100 psi (6.89 bar) with no leakage or signs of wear or fatigue.
Duty Rating Type Ordering Suffix Dimensions: inches (mm)
Light Air-to-open OLP 5.50 (139.70) 2.81 (71.37)
Air-to-close CLP 3.94 (100.08) 2.81 (71.37)
. Heavy-Light Air-to-open OHLP 3.84 (97.67) 3.06 (77.72)
Medium Air-to-open O1S 8.25 (209.55) 5.69 (144.52)
Air-to-close C1S 5.50 (139.70) 5.69 (144.52)
Heavy Air-to-open O2S 11.88 (301.75) 5.69 (144.52)
Air-to-close C2S 8.50 (215.90) 5.69 (144.52)
Extra Heavy Air-to-open HO2S 18.50 (469.90) 9.44 (239.78)
Air-to-close HC2S 11.94 (303.27) 9.44 (239.78)
. The standard Heavy-Light operator does not utilize the yoke design. A yoke design is available upon request.
All general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold.
Pneumatic Valve Actuators -Diaphragm Style Pneumatic
Pressures to 150,000 psi (10342 bar)
Diaphragm type air-operated valves are an efficient and economical means for “remote on-off” control of a wide range of process requirements. Diaphragm type actuators are designed to provide a dependable alternative to piston type actuators.
Autoclave Engineer’s diaphragm type air actuators feature:
Economical diaphragm design
Air-to-open or -close with spring return
Integral connection of valve and operator for height resticted applications.
Oversized weep holes for separation of process and air operator pressures.
Stem position indicator optional
Medium actuator cycle life
Air Operator Materials
Upper and lower housing, spring housing
. Anodized aluminum
Diaphragm plate
. Cast ductile iron.
Technical Data
Air Operator
Maximum allowable working pressure: 100 psi (6.89 bar)
Allowable diaphragm temperature range: -40°F to 200°F (-40°C to 93°C)
Area of diaphragm:
Light duty - 4.9 sq. in (31.6 sq. cm)
Medium duty - 19.6 sq. in (126.5 sq. cm)
Heavy duty - 45.66 sq. in (294.58 sq. cm)
Approximate air usage/cycle @ 100 psi (6.89 bar):
Light duty - .007 SCF (.00019 SCM)
Medium duty - .07 SCF (.0019 SCM)
Heavy duty - .2 SCF (.0056 SCM)
Duty Rating Type Ordering Suffix Dimensions: inches (mm)
Air-to-open OL 5.00 (127.00) 4.25 (107.95)
Light Air-to-close CL 2.38 (60.45) 4.25 (107.95)
Medium Air-to-open OM 8.00 (203.20) 7.38 (187.45)
Air-to-close CM 3.75 (95.25) 7.38 (187.45)
Heavy Air-to-open OH 8.75 (222.25) 10.00 (254.00)
Air-to-close CH 4.69 (119.13) 10.00 (254.00)
Air-to-Close (ATC)
All general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold.
Pneumatic Valve Actuators -Air Operator Sizing Data
Series 10V and SW Valves
Valve Series Operator Duty System Pressure KSI (Mps) Maximum Pressure psi (bar)* Stem Travel in (mm) Flow Coefficient**
1-4 6 8 10 11
(6.89-27.57) (41.37) (55.16) (68.95) (75.84)
10V2 Light Duty 30 (2.04) 40 (2.72) 55 (3.74) 65 (4.42) 70 (4.76) 11,000 (758.41) 0.16 (4.06) 0.12
Medium Duty 25 (1.70) 25 (1.70) 25 (1.70) 25 (1.70) 30 (2.04)
10V4 Light Duty 40 (2.72) 60 (4.08) 75 (5.10) 95 (6.46) 100 (6.80) 11,500 (792.88) 0.19 (4.83) 0.20
Medium Duty 30 (2.04) 30 (2.04) 30 (2.04) 30 (2.04) 35 (2.38)
10V6 Light Duty 40 (2.72) 60 (4.08) 75 (5.10) 100 (6.80) 10,000 (689.46) 0.19 (4.83) 0.20
Medium Duty Air Pressure 30 (2.04) 30 (2.04) 30 (2.04) 35 (2.38)
10V8 Medium Duty psi (bar) 50 (3.40) 50 (3.40) 5,500 (379.21) 0.031 (0.79) 0.086
SW4 Medium Duty 40 (2.72) 40 (2.72) 40 (2.72) 50 (3.40) 60 (4.08) 11,500 (792.88) 0.025 (0.64) 0.065
SW6 Medium Duty 50 (3.40) 50 (3.40) 55 (3.74) 70 (4.76) 10,000 (689.46) 0.025 (0.64) 0.095
SW8 Medium Duty 65 (4.42) 70 (4.76) 5,500 (379.21) 0.038 (0.97) 1.90
Heavy Duty 35 (2.38) 35 (2.38)
Series 10SM
Valve Series Operator Duty System Pressure KSI (Mps) Maximum Pressure psi (bar)* Stem Travel in (mm) Flow Coefficient**
1-3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
(6.89-20.68 ) (27.58) (41.37) (55.16) (68.95) (82.74) (96.53) (110.31) (124.10) (137.89)
Medium Duty 65 (4.42) 65 (4.42) 75 (5.10) 100 (6.80) 8,600 (592.94) 0.38 (9.65) 1.75
10SM9 Heavy Duty 35 (2.38) 35 (2.38) 40 (2.72) 50 (3.40) 55 (3.74) 10,000 (689.46)
Extra 15 15 15 20 20 10,000
Heavy Duty (1.02) (1.02) (1.02) (1.36) (1.36) (689.46)
Medium Duty Air 90 (6.12) 100 (6.80) 4,800 (330.94) 0.44 (11.18) 2.80
10SM12 Heavy Duty Pressure psi (bar) 45 (3.06) 45 (3.06) 60 (4.08) 80 (5.44) 100 (6.80) 10,000 (689.46)
Extra 20 20 25 30 35 10,000
Heavy Duty (1.36) (1.36) (1.70) (2.04) (2.38) (689.46)
Medium Duty 100 (6.80) 2,800 (193.05) 0.56 (14.22) 5.20
10SM16 Heavy Duty 60 (4.08) 70 (4.76) 100 (6.80) 6,300 (434.36)
Extra 25 25 35 45 55 10,000
Heavy Duty (1.70) (1.70) (2.38) (3.06) (3.06) (689.46)
Note: System operating pressure are shown for piston style operators. *Maximum pressure rating is based on the lowest rating of any component. The maximum system operating pressure for some diaphragm operators is Actual working pressure may be determined by tubing pressure rating, if lower.
slightly reduced (approximately 10%). All dimensions for reference only and subject to change. For prompt service, Autoclave stocks select products. Consult your local representative.
** Cv data is for 2-way straight valves.
For angle pattern, add approximately 50% to the CV valve.
Series 20SM Valves
Valve Series Operator Duty System Pressure KSI (Mps) Maximum Pressure psi (bar)* Stem Travel in (mm) Flow Coefficient**
1-3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
(6.89-20.68) (27.58) (41.37) (55.16) (68.95) (82.74) (96.53) (110.31) (124.10) (137.89)
20SM4 Medium Duty 40 (2.72) 40 (2.72) 40 (2.724) 40 (2.72) 50 (3.40) 60 (4.08) 70 (4.76) 80 (5.44) 85 (5.78) 95 (6.46) 20,000 (1378.93) 0.25 (6.35) 0.31
Heavy Duty 20 (1.36) 20 (1.36) 20 (1.36) 20 (1.36) 25 (1.70) 30 (2.04) 35 (2.38) 40 (2.72) 45 (3.06) 50 (3.40)
20SM6 Medium Duty 45 (3.06) 45 (3.06) 45 (3.06) 45 (3.06) 55 (3.74) 65 (4.42) 75 (5.10) 85 (5.78) 95 (6.46) 100 (6.80) 19,000 (1309.98) 0.25 (6.35) 0.75
Heavy Duty 25 (1.70) 25 (1.70) 25 (1.70) 25 (1.70) 30 (2.04) 35 (2.38) 40 (2.72) 45 (3.06) 50 (3.40) 55 (3.74) 18,000 (1360.54)
Medium Duty 60 (4.08) 60 (4.08) 65 (4.42) 80 (5.44) 100 (6.80) 10,700 (737.73) 0.38 (9.65) 1.30
20SM9 Heavy Duty 30 (2.04) 30 (2.04) 30 (2.04) 40 (2.72) 50 (3.40) 55 (3.74) 60 (4.08) 70 (4.76) 80 (5.44) 85 (5.78) 20,000 (1378.93)
Extra Air 15 15 15 15 20 20 25 25 30 30 20,000
Heavy Duty Pressure (1.02) (1.02) (1.02) (1.02) (1.36) (1.36) (1.70) (1.70) (2.04) (2.04) (1378.93)
Medium Duty psi (bar) 80 (5.44) 80 (5.44) 100 (6.80) 6,100 (420.57) 0.44 (11.18) 2.50
20SM12 Heavy Duty 40 (2.72) 40 (2.72) 50 (3.40) 60 (4.08) 75 (5.10) 90 (6.12) 100 (6.80) 13,600 (937.67)
Extra Heavy Duty 15 (1.02) 15 (1.02) 20 (1.36) 25 (1.70) 30 (2.04) 35 (2.38) 40 (2.72) 45 (3.06) 50 (3.40) 50 (3.40) 20,000 (1378.93)
Medium Duty 100 (6.80) 100 (6.80) 3,900 (268.89) 0.56 (14.22) 3.40
20SM16 Heavy Duty 50 (3.40) 50 (3.40) 70 (4.76) 100 (6.80) 8,800 (606.73)
Extra Heavy Duty
20 (1.36) 20 (1.36) 25 (1.70) 35 (2.38) 40 (2.72) 50 (3.40) 55 (3.74) 60 (4.08) 70 (4.76) 75 (5.10) 20,000 (1378.93)
Series 30SC Valves
Valve Series Operator Duty System Pressure KSI (Mps) Maximum Pressure psi (bar)* Stem Travel in (mm) Flow Coefficient**
1-10 15 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
(6.89-68.94) (103.42) (110.31) (124.10) (137.89) (151.68) (165.47) (179.26) (193.05) (206.84)
30SC16 Extra Heavy Duty Air Pressure psi (bar) 30 (2.04) 40 (2.72) 45 (3.06) 50 (3.40) 55 (3.74) 60 (4.08) 65 (4.42) 70 (4.76) 75 (5.10) 80 (5.44) 30,000 (2068.39) 0.50 (12.70) 2.61
Series 30VM Valves
Valve Series Operator Duty System Pressure KSI (Mps) Maximum Pressure psi (bar)* Stem Travel in (mm) Flow Coefficient**
1-10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
(6.89-68.94) (82.74) (96.53) (110.31) (124.10) (137.89) (151.68) (165.47) (179.26) (193.05) (206.84)
30VM4 Medium Duty Air Pressure 25 (1.70) 25 (1.70) 25 (1.70) 30 (2.04) 35 (2.38) 35 (2.38) 40 (2.72) 45 (3.06) 50 (3.40) 50 (3.40) 55 (3.74) 30,000 (2068.39) 0.19 (4.83) 0.12
Heavy Duty 15 (1.02) 15 (1.02) 15 (1.02) 15 (1.02) 20 (1.36) 20 (1.36) 20 (1.36) 25 (1.70) 25 (1.70) 25 (1.70) 30 (2.04)
30VM6 & 30VM9 Medium Duty psi (bar) 30 (2.04) 30 (3.06) 35 (2.38) 40 (2.72) 45 (3.06) 50 (3.40) 55 (3.74) 60 (4.08) 65 (4.42) 70 (4.76) 75 (5.10) 30,000 (2068.39) 0.19 (4.83) 0.23 (30VM6) 0.33 (30VM9)
Heavy Duty 15 (1.02) 15 (1.02) 20 (1.36) 20 (1.36) 25 (1.70) 25 (1.70) 30 (2.04) 30 (2.04) 35 (2.38) 35 (2.38) 40 (2.72)
All ratings for reference only and subject to change. *Maximum pressure rating is based on the lowest rating of any component. Note: System operating pressure are shown for piston style operators. Actual working pressure may be determined by tubing pressure rating, if lower.
The maximum system operating pressure for some diaphragm operators is All dimensions for reference only and subject to change.
slightly reduced (approximately 10%). For prompt service, Autoclave stocks select products. Consult your local representative.
** Cv data is for 2-way straight valves.
For angle pattern, add approximately 50% to the CV valve.
All general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold.
Series 40VM Valves
Valve Series Operator Duty System Pressure KSI (Mps) Maximum Pressure psi (bar)* Stem Travel in (mm) Flow Coefficient**
1-10 15 20 25 30 35 40
(6.89-68.94) (103.42) (137.89) (172.37) (206.84) (241.31) (275.79)
40VM9 Medium Duty Air Pressure 40 (2.72) 50 (3.40) 60 (4.08) 70 (4.76) 80 (5.44) 90 (6.12) 90 (6.12) 40,000 (2757.86) 0.25 (6.35) 0.28
Heavy Duty psi (bar) 20 (1.36) 25 (1.70) 30 (2.04) 35 (2.38) 40 (2.72) 45 (3.06) 45 (3.06)
Series 60VM Valves
Valve Series Operator Duty System Pressure KSI (Mps) Maximum Pressure psi (bar)* Stem Travel in (mm) Flow Coefficient**
1-20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
(6.89-137.89) (172.37) (206.84) (241.31) (275.79) (310.26) (344.73) (379.21) (413.68)
60VM4 & 60VM6 Medium Duty Air Pressure 30 (2.04) 30 (2.04) 35 (2.38) 45 (3.06) 50 (3.40) 55 (3.74) 60 (4.08) 70 (4.76) 75 (5.10) 60,000 (4136.79) 0.25 (6.35) 0.08 (60VM4) 0.09 (60VM6)
Heavy Duty 15 (1.02) 15 (1.02) 20 (1.36) 25 (1.70) 25 (1.70) 30 (2.04) 30 (2.04) 35 (2.38) 40 (2.72)
60VM9 Medium Duty psi (bar) 35 (2.38) 40 (2.72) 50 (3.40) 55 (3.74) 65 (4.42) 70 (4.76) 75 (5.10) 85 (5.78) 90 (6.12) 60,000 (4136.79) 0.25 (6.35) 0.14
Heavy Duty 20 (1.36) 20 (1.36) 25 (1.70) 30 (2.04) 35 (2.38) 35 (2.38) 40 (2.72) 45 (3.06) 45 (3.06)
Valve Series Operator Duty System Pressure KSI (Mps) Maximum Pressure psi (bar)* Stem Travel in (mm) Flow Coefficient**
1-40 50 60 70 80 90 100 150
(6.89-275.79) (344.73) (413.68) (482.63) (551.57) (620.52) (689.46) (1034.20)
100V5 Medium Duty 70 (4.76) 100 (6.80) 50,000 (3447.32) 0.12 (3.05) 0.17
Heavy Duty Air Pressure 35 (2.38) 45 (3.06) 50 (3.40) 60 (4.08) 70 (4.76) 75 (5.10) 85 (5.78) 100,000 (6894.65)
150V5 Heavy Duty psi (bar) 35 (2.38) 40 (2.72) 45 (3.06) 45 (3.06) 50 (3.40) 55 (3.74) 60 (4.08) 100 (6.80) 150,000 (10341.97) 0.12 (3.05) 0.27
Series 100V & 150V Valves
Note: System operating pressure are shown for piston style operators.
The maximum system operating pressure for some diaphragm operators is
slightly reduced (approximately 10%).
** Cv data is for 2-way straight valves.
For angle pattern, add approximately 50% to the CV valve.
CAUTION: While testing has shown O-rings to provide satisfactory service
life, both cyclic and shelf life may vary widely with differing service
conditions, properties of reactants, pressure and temperature cycling and
age of the O-ring, FREQUENT INSPECTIONS SHOULD BE MADE to detect
any deterioration, and O-rings replaced as required.
*Maximum pressure rating is based on the lowest rating of any component.
Actual working pressure may be determined by tubing pressure rating, if lower.
All dimensions for reference only and subject to change.
For prompt service, Autoclave stocks select products. Consult your local representative.
Pneumatic Valve Actuators -Air Operator Sizing Data
Series 10V Valves
Valve Series Operator Duty System Pressure KSI (Mps) Maximum Pressure psi (bar)* Flow Coefficient Cv**
1-6 8 10 11
(6.89-41.37) (110.31) (124.10) (137.89)
Air Pressure: psi (bar) 60 (4.08) 60 (4.08) 8,200 (565.36) 0.12 to 0.09***
Light Duty Sring Pre-Compression: in. (mm) 0.31 (7.87) 0.38 (9.65)
10V2 Stem Travel in (mm) 0.12 (3.05) 0.06 (1.52)
Air Pressure: psi (bar) 40 (2.72) 40 (2.72) 40 (2.72) 40 (2.72) 11,000 (758.41) 0.12
Medium Duty Sring Pre-Compression: in. (mm) 0.12 (3.05) 0.12 (3.05) 0.12 (3.05) 0.12 (3.05)
Stem Travel 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12
in (mm) (3.05) (3.05) (3.05) (3.05)
Air Pressure: psi 60
(bar) (4.08) 5,600 (386.46) 0.02 to 0.17***
10V4 10V6 Light Duty Sring Pre-Compression: in. (mm) 0.38 (9.65)
Stem Travel 0.06
in (mm) (1.52)
Air Pressure: psi 45 45 45 45
(bar) (3.06) (3.06) (3.06) (3.06) 11,500 (386.10) 0.20
10V4 Medium Duty Sring Pre-Compression: in. (mm) 0.12 (3.05) 0.12 (3.05) 0.12 (3.05) 0.19 (4.83)
Stem Travel 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19
in (mm) (4.83) (4.83) (4.83) (4.83)
Air Pressure: psi 45 45 55
(bar) (3.06) (3.06) (3.74) 10,000 (689.46) 0.20
10V6 Medium Duty Sring Pre-Compression: in. (mm) 0.12 (3.05) 0.12 (3.05) 0.15 (3.81)
Stem Travel 0.19 0.19 0.19
in (mm) (4.83) (4.83) (4.83)
Air Pressure: psi 75
(bar) (5.10) 5,500 (379.21) 0.86
10V8 Medium Duty Sring Pre-Compression: in. (mm) 0.25 (6.35)
Stem Travel 0.25
in (mm) (6.35)
Note: System operating pressure are shown for piston style operators.
The maximum system operating pressure for some diaphragm operators is
slightly reduced (approximately 10%).
** Cv data is for 2-way straight valves.
For angle pattern, add approximately 50% to the CV valve.
*** Cv varies because of spring compression limitations. The flow coefficient
range is given for the maximum stem travel (lowest system pressure) to
minimum travel (highest system pressure).
CAUTION: While testing has shown O-rings to provide satisfactory service life, both cyclic and shelf life may vary widely with differing service conditions, properties of reactants, pressure and temperature cycling and age of the O-ring, FREQUENT INSPECTIONS SHOULD BE MADE to detect any deterioration, and O-rings replaced as required.
*Maximum pressure rating is based on the lowest rating of any component.
Actual working pressure may be determined by tubing pressure rating, if lower.
All dimensions for reference only and subject to change.
For prompt service, Autoclave stocks select products. Consult your local representative.
Series SW Valves
Valve Series Operator Duty System Pressure KSI (Mps) Maximum Pressure psi (bar)* Flow Coefficient Cv**
1-6 8 10 11
(6.89-41.37) (55.16) (68.95) (75.84)
Air Pressure: psi 65 65 75 85
(bar) (4.42) (4.42) (5.10) (5.78) 11,500 (792.88) 0.065
SW4 Medium Duty Sring Pre-Compression: in. (mm) 0.19 (4.83) 0.19 (4.83) 0.25 (6.35) 0.31 (7.87)
Stem Travel 0.25 0.25 0.25 025
in (mm) (6.35) (6.35) (6.35) (6.35)
Air Pressure: psi 75 75 95
(bar) (5.10) (5.10) (6.46) 10,000 (689.46) 0.12
SW6 Medium Duty Sring Pre-Compression: in. (mm) 0.25 (6.35) 0.25 (6.35) 0.28 (7.11)
Stem Travel 0.25 0.25 0.25
in (mm) (6.35) (6.35) (6.35)
Medium Duty Air Pressure: psi (bar) 95 (6.48) 5,500 1.75
Sring Pre-Compression: 0.38
SW8 in. (mm) (9.65) (379.21)
Stem Travel 0.25
in (mm) (6.35)
Medium Duty Air Pressure: psi (bar) 50 (3.40)
Series MVE/MV Valves
Note: System operating pressure are shown for piston style operators.
The maximum system operating pressure for some diaphragm operators is
slightly reduced (approximately 10%).
**Cv data is for 2-way straight valves.
For angle pattern, add approximately 50% to the CV valve.
Valve Series Operator Duty System Pressure KSI (Mps) Maximum Pressure psi (bar)* Flow Coefficient Cv**
1-6 8 10 12 14 15
(6.89-41.37) (55.15) (68.95) (82.74) (96.53) (103.41)
MVE1 MV1 Air Pressure: psi (bar) 60 (4.08) 65 (4.42) 75 (5.10) 85 (5.78) 90 (6.12) 100 (6.80) 15,000 (1034.20) MVE1/MV1 (0.05) MVE2/MV2 (0.11)
MVE2 MV2 Heavy-Light Duty Sring Pre-Compression: in. (mm) 0.073 (1.85) 0.094 (2.39) 0.125 (3.18) 0.147 (3.73) 0.172 (4.37) 0.188 (4.78)
Stem Travel in (mm) 0.094 (2.39) 0.094 (2.39) 0.094 (2.39) 0.094 (2.39) 0.094 (2.39) 0.094 (2.39)
CAUTION: While testing has shown O-rings to provide satisfactory service life, both cyclic and shelf life may vary widely with differing service conditions, properties of reactants, pressure and temperature cycling and age of the O-ring, FREQUENT INSPECTIONS SHOULD BE MADE to detect any deterioration, and O-rings replaced as required.
*Maximum pressure rating is based on the lowest rating of any component.
Actual working pressure may be determined by tubing pressure rating, if lower.
All dimensions for reference only and subject to change.
For prompt service, Autoclave stocks select products. Consult your local representative.
Series 10S and 20SM Valves
Valve Series Operator Duty System Pressure KSI (Mps) Maximum Pressure psi (bar)* Flow Coefficient Cv**
1-4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
(6.89-27.58) (41.37) (55.15) (68.95) (82.74) (96.53) (110.31) (124.10) (137.89)
Air Pressure: psi (bar) 95 (6.46) 95 (6.46) 95 (6.46) 7,900 (544.68) 1.74 to 0.72***
Medium Duty Sring Pre-Compression: in. (mm) 0.38 (9.65) 0.44 (11.18) 0.56 (14.22)
Stem Travel 0.25 0.19 0.06
in (mm) (6.35) (4.83) (1.52)
Air Pressure: psi (bar) 55 (3.74) 65 (4.42) 70 (4.76) 75 (5.10) 10,000 (689.46) 1.74 to 0.72***
10SM9 Heavy Duty Sring Pre-Compression: in. (mm) 0.22 (5.59) 0.28 (7.11) 0.34 (8.64) 0.44 (11.18)
Stem Travel 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.19
in (mm) (6.35) (6.35) (6.35) (4.83)
Air Pressure: psi (bar) 25 (1.70) 30 (2.04) 35 (2.38) 40 (2.72) 10,000 (689.46) 1.75
Extra Heavy Duty Sring Pre-Compression: in. (mm) 0.16 (4.06) 0.19 (4.83) 0.25 (6.35) 0.28 (7.11)
Stem Travel 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38
in (mm) (9.65) (9.65) (9.65) (9.65)
Air Pressure: psi (bar) 70 (4.76) 75 (5.10) 7,000 (482.63) 2.23 to 0.78***
Heavy Duty Sring Pre-Compression: in. (mm) 0.24 (6.10) 0.56 (14.22)
Stem Travel 0.25 0.06
10SM12 in (mm) (6.35) (1.52)
Air Pressure: psi (bar) 40 (2.72) 50 (3.40) 55 (3.74) 60 (4.08) 10,000 (689.46) 2.80
Extra Heavy Duty Sring Pre-Compression: in. (mm) 0.22 (5.59) 0.31 (7.87) 0.44 (11.18) 0.53 (13.46)
Stem Travel 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44
in (mm) (11.18) (11.18) (11.18) (11.18)
Air Pressure: psi (bar) 75 (5.10) 4,300 (296.47) 0.79
Heavy Duty Sring Pre-Compression: in. (mm) 0.56 (14.22)
Stem Travel 0.06
10SM16 in (mm) (1.52)
Air Pressure: psi (bar) 55 (3.74) 65 (4.42) 75 (5.10) 85 (5.78) 10,000 (689.46) 5.20
Extra Heavy Duty Sring Pre-Compression: in. (mm) 0.34 (8.64) 0.53 (13.46) 0.69 (17.53) 0.88 (22.35)
Stem Travel 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
in (mm) (12.70) (12.70) (12.70) (12.70)
Medium Duty Air Pressure: psi (bar) 65 (4.42) 65 (4.42) 65 (4.42) 75 (5.10) 85 (5.78) 95 (6.46) 95 (6.46) 95 (6.46) 95 (6.46) 20,000 0.31 to 0.22***
20SM4 Sring Pre-Compression: in. (mm) 0.19 (4.83) 0.19 (4.83) 0.19 (4.83) 0.25 (6.35) 0.31 (7.87) 0.38 (9.65) 0.44 (11.18) 0.50 (12.70) 0.56 (14.22)
Stem Travel 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.19 0.12 0.06
in (mm) (6.35) (6.35) (6.35) (6.35) (6.35) (6.35) (4.83) (3.05) (1.52) (1378.93)
Heavy Duty Air Pressure: psi (bar) 35 (2.38) 35 (2.38) 35 (2.38) 40 (2.72) 45 (3.06) 50 (3.40) 50 (3.40) 50 (3.40) 50 (3.40)
Note: System operating pressure are shown for piston style operators. CAUTION: While testing has shown O-rings to provide satisfactory service The maximum system operating pressure for some diaphragm operators is life, both cyclic and shelf life may vary widely with differing service slightly reduced (approximately 10%). conditions, properties of reactants, pressure and temperature cycling and
age of the O-ring, FREQUENT INSPECTIONS SHOULD BE MADE to detect ** Cv data is for 2-way straight valves. any deterioration, and O-rings replaced as required.
For angle pattern, add approximately 50% to the CV valve. *Maximum pressure rating is based on the lowest rating of any component. *** Cv varies because of spring compression limitations. The flow coefficient Actual working pressure may be determined by tubing pressure rating, if lower.
range is given for the maximum stem travel (lowest system pressure) to All dimensions for reference only and subject to change.
minimum travel (highest system pressure). For prompt service, Autoclave stocks select products. Consult your local representative.
Valve Series Operator Duty System Pressure KSI (Mps) Maximum Pressure psi (bar)* Flow Coefficient Cv**
1-4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
(6.89-27.58) (41.37) (55.15) (68.95) (82.74) (96.53) (110.31) (124.10) (137.89)
Medium Duty Air Pressure: psi (bar) 65 (4.42) 65 (4.42) 75 (5.10) 85 (5.78) 95 (6.46) 95 (6.46) 95 (6.46) 95 (6.46) 18,250 (1258.27) 0.75 to 0.57***
20SM6 Sring Pre-Compression: in. (mm) 0.19 (4.83) 0.19 (4.83) 0.25 (6.35) 0.31 (7.87) 0.38 (9.65) 0.44 (11.18) 0.50 (12.70) 0.56 (14.22)
Stem Travel in (mm) 0.25 (6.35) 0.25 (6.35) 0.25 (6.35) 0.25 (6.35) 0.25 (6.35) 0.19 (4.83) 0.12 (3.05) 0.06 (1.52)
Medium Duty Air Pressure: psi (bar) 35 (2.38) 35 (2.38) 40 (2.72) 45 (3.06) 50 (3.40) 50 (3.40) 50 (3.40) 50 (3.40)
Air Pressure: psi 85 90 95 95
(bar) (5.78) (6.12) (6.46) (6.46) 9,800 (675.68) 1.29 to 0.53***
Medium Duty Sring Pre-Compression: in. (mm) 0.31 (7.87) 0.34 (8.64) 0.47 (11.94) 0.56 (14.22)
Stem Travel in (mm) 0.25 (6.35) 0.25 (6.35) 0.15 (3.81) 0.06 (1.52)
Air Pressure: psi 50 55 65 70 75 75 75
(bar) (3.40) (3.74) (4.42) (4.76) (5.10) (5.10) (5.10) 15,700 (1082.46) 1.29 to 0.53***
20SM9 Heavy Duty Sring Pre-Compression: in. (mm) 0.19 (4.83) 0.22 (5.59) 0.28 (7.11) 0.34 (8.64) 0.44 (11.18) 0.50 (12.70) 0.56 (14.22)
Stem Travel in (mm) 0.25 (6.35) 0.25 (6.35) 0.25 (6.35) 0.25 (6.35) 0.19 (4.83) 0.12 (3.05) 0.60 (15.24)
Air Pressure: psi (bar) 30 (2.04) 35 (2.38) 35 (2.38) 40 (2.72) 40 (2.72) 45 (3.06) 50 (3.40) 50 (3.40) 55 (3.74) 20,000 (1378.93) 1.30
Extra Heavy Duty Sring Pre-Compression: in. (mm) 0.13 (3.30) 0.16 (4.06) 0.19 (4.83) 0.25 (6.35) 0.28 (7.11) 0.34 (8.64) 0.38 (9.65) 0.44 (11.18) 0.47 (11.94)
Stem Travel in (mm) 0.38 (9.65) 0.38 (9.65) 0.38 (9.65) 0.38 (9.65) 0.38 (9.65) 0.38 (9.65) 0.38 (9.65) 0.38 (9.65)
Air Pressure: psi (bar) 65 (4.42) 75 (5.10) 75 (5.10) 9,200 (634.31) 0.80 to 0.78***
Heavy Duty Sring Pre-Compression: in. (mm) 0.28 (7.11) 0.38 (9.65) 0.56 (14.22)
20SM12 Stem Travel in (mm) 0.25 (6.35) 0.25 (6.35) 0.06 (1.52)
Air Pressure: psi (bar) 40 (2.72) 45 (3.06) 50 (3.40) 55 (3.74) 60 (4.08) 65 (4.42) 70 (4.76) 75 (5.10) 80 (5.44) 20,000 (1378.93) 2.50
Extra Heavy Duty Sring Pre-Compression: in. (mm) 0.19 (4.83) 0.25 (6.35) 0.31 (7.87) 0.41 (10.41) 0.50 (12.70) 0.56 (14.22) 0.66 (16.76) 0.72 (18.29) 0.81 (20.57)
Stem Travel in (mm) 0.44 (11.18) 0.44 (11.18) 0.44 (11.18) 0.44 (11.18) 0.44 (11.18) 0.44 (11.18) 0.44 (11.18) 0.44 (11.18) 0.44 (11.18)
Air Pressure: psi (bar) 75 (5.10) 75 (5.10) 6,100 (420.57) 2.73 to .15***
Heavy Duty Sring Pre-Compression: in. (mm) 0.38 (9.65) 0.56 (14.22)
20SM16 Stem Travel in (mm) 0.25 (6.35) 0.06 (1.52)
Extra Heavy Duty Air Pressure: psi (bar) 50 (3.40) 55 (3.74) 65 (4.42) 70 (4.76) 80 (5.44) 85 (5.78) 90 (6.12) 100 (6.80) 100 (6.80) 20,000 (1378.93) 3.40
Sring Pre-Compression: in. (mm) 0.25 (6.35) 0.38 (9.65) 0.50 (12.70) 0.63 (16.00) 0.75 (19.05) 0.84 (21.34) 0.97 (24.64) 1.09 (27.69) 1.22 (30.99)
Stem Travel in (mm) 0.50 (12.70) 0.50 (12.70) 0.50 (12.70) 0.50 (12.70) 0.50 (12.70) 0.50 (12.70) 0.50 (12.70) 0.50 (12.70) 0.50 (12.70)
Note: System operating pressure are shown for piston style operators.
The maximum system operating pressure for some diaphragm operators is
slightly reduced (approximately 10%).
** Cv data is for 2-way straight valves.
For angle pattern, add approximately 50% to the CV valve.
*** Cv varies because of spring compression limitations. The flow coefficient
range is given for the maximum stem travel (lowest system pressure) to
minimum travel (highest system pressure).
CAUTION: While testing has shown O-rings to provide satisfactory service life, both cyclic and shelf life may vary widely with differing service conditions, properties of reactants, pressure and temperature cycling and age of the O-ring, FREQUENT INSPECTIONS SHOULD BE MADE to detect any deterioration, and O-rings replaced as required.
*Maximum pressure rating is based on the lowest rating of any component.
Actual working pressure may be determined by tubing pressure rating, if lower.
All dimensions for reference only and subject to change.
For prompt service, Autoclave stocks select products. Consult your local representative.
Series 30SC Valves
Valve Series Operator Duty System Pressure KSI (Mps) Maximum Pressure psi (bar)* Flow Coefficient Cv**
1-15 (6.89-103.42) 16 (110.31) 18 (124.10) 20 (137.89) 22 (151.68) 24 (165.47) 26 (179.26) 28 (193.05) 30 (206.84)
Air Pressure: psi (bar) 70 (4.76) 75 (5.10) 75 (5.10) 80 (5.44) 85 (5.78) 95 (6.46) 100 (6.80) 100 (6.80) 100 (6.80) 30,000 (2068.39) 2.61
30SC16 X Heavy Duty Sring Pre-Compression: in. (mm) 0.56 (14.22) 0.62 (15.75) 0.68 (17.27) 0.75 (19.05) 0.88 (22.35) 0.94 (23.88) 1.00 (25.40) 1.06 (26.92) 1.38 (35.05)
Stem Travel in (mm) 0.50 (12.70) 0.50 (12.70) 0.50 (12.70) 0.50 (12.70) 0.50 (12.70) 0.50 (12.70) 0.50 (12.70) 0.50 (12.70) 0.50 (12.70)
Series 30VM Valves
Valve Series Operator Duty System Pressure KSI (Mps) Maximum Pressure psi (bar)* Flow Coefficient Cv**
1-10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
(6.89-68.95) (82.74) (96.53) (110.31) (124.10) (137.89) (151.68) (165.47) (179.26) (193.05) (206.84)
Medium Duty Air Pressure: psi (bar) 45 (3.06) 45 (3.06) 55 (3.74) 55 (3.74) 55 (3.74) 55 (3.74) 65 (4.42) 65 (4.42) 65 (4.42) 65 (4.42) 75 (5.10) 30,000 (2068.39) 0.12
30VM4 Sring Pre-Compression: in. (mm) 0.12 (3.05) 0.12 (3.05) 0.19 (4.83) 0.19 (4.83) 0.19 (4.83) 0.19 (4.83) 0.25 (6.35) 0.25 (6.35) 0.25 (6.35) 0.25 (6.35) 0.31 (7.87)
Stem Travel 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19
in (mm) (4.83) (4.83) (4.83) (4.83) (4.83) (4.83) (4.83) (4.83) (4.83) (4.83) (4.83)
Heavy Duty Air Pressure: psi (bar) 25 (1.70) 25 (1.70) 30 (2.04) 30 (2.04) 30 (2.04) 30 (2.04) 35 (2.38) 35 (2.38) 35 (2.38) 35 (2.38) 40 (2.72)
Medium Duty Air Pressure: psi (bar) 45 (3.06) 55 (3.74) 55 (3.74) 65 (4.42) 65 (4.42) 75 (5.10) 75 (5.10) 75 (5.10) 85 (5.78) 85 (5.78) 95 (6.46) 30,000 (2068.39) 0.33 (30VM6) 0.33
30VM6 & Sring Pre-Compression: in. (mm) 0.12 (3.05) 0.19 (4.83) 0.19 (4.83) 0.25 (6.35) 0.25 (6.35) 0.31 (7.87) 0.31 (7.87) 0.31 (7.87) 0.38 (9.65) 0.38 (9.65) 0.44 (11.18)
30VM9 Stem Travel 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19
in (mm) (4.83) (4.83) (4.83) (4.83) (4.83) (4.83) (4.83) (4.83) (4.83) (4.83) (4.83) (30VM9)
Heavy Duty Air Pressure: psi (bar) 25 (1.70) 30 (2.04) 30 (2.04) 35 (2.38) 35 (2.38) 40 (2.72) 40 (2.72) 40 (2.72) 45 (3.06) 45 (3.06) 50 (3.40)
Series 40VM Valves
Note: System operating pressure are shown for piston style operators.
The maximum system operating pressure for some diaphragm operators is
slightly reduced (approximately 10%).
** Cv data is for 2-way straight valves.
For angle pattern, add approximately 50% to the CV valve.
Valve Series Operator Duty System Pressure KSI (Mps) Maximum Pressure psi (bar)* Flow Coefficient Cv**
1-10 15 20 25 30 35 40
(6.89-68.95) (103.42) (137.89) (172.37) (206.84) (241.31) (275.79)
Medium Duty Air Pressure: psi (bar) 60 (4.08) 70 (4.76) 75 (5.10) 85 (5.78) 95 (6.46) 100 (6.80) 100 (6.80) 40,000 (2757.86) 0.28
40VM9 Spring Pre-Compression: in (mm) 0.12 (3.05) 0.18 (4.57) 0.25 (6.35) 0.31 (7.87) 0.38 (9.65) 0.43 (10.92) 0.5 (12.70)
Stem Travel 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
in (mm) (6.35) (6.35) (6.35) (6.35) (6.35) (6.35) (6.35)
Heavy Duty Air Pressure: psi (bar) 30 (2.04) 35 (2.38) 40 (2.72) 45 (3.06) 50 (3.40) 50 (3.40) 55 (3.74)
CAUTION: While testing has shown O-rings to provide satisfactory service life, both cyclic and shelf life may vary widely with differing service conditions, properties of reactants, pressure and temperature cycling and age of the O-ring, FREQUENT INSPECTIONS SHOULD BE MADE to detect any deterioration, and O-rings replaced as required.
*Maximum pressure rating is based on the lowest rating of any component.
Actual working pressure may be determined by tubing pressure rating, if lower.
All dimensions for reference only and subject to change.
For prompt service, Autoclave stocks select products. Consult your local representative.
Series 60VM Valves
Valve Series Operator Duty System Pressure KSI (Mps) Maximum Pressure psi (bar)* Flow Coefficient Cv**
1-15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
(6.89-103.42) (137.89) (172.37) (206.84) (241.31) (275.79) (310.26) (344.73) (379.21) (413.68)
Medium Duty Air Pressure: psi (bar) 55 (3.74) 65 (4.42) 65 (4.42) 65 (4.42) 75 (5.10) 75 (5.10) 85 (5.78) 85 (5.78) 85 (5.78) 95 (6.46) 60,000 (4136.79) 0.08 (60VM4)
60VM4 & Sring Pre-Compression: in. (mm) 0.12 (3.05) 0.19 (4.83) 0.19 (4.83) 0.19 (4.83) 0.25 (6.35) 0.25 (6.35) 0.31 (7.87) 0.31 (7.87) 0.31 (7.87) 0.38 (9.65)
60VM6 Stem Travel 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
in (mm) (6.35) (6.35) (6.35) (6.35) (6.35) (6.35) (6.35) (6.35) (6.35) (6.35) 0.09 (60VM6)
Heavy Duty Air Pressure: psi (bar) 30 (2.04) 35 (2.38) 35 (2.38) 35 (2.38) 40 (2.72) 40 (2.72) 45 (3.06) 45 (3.06) 45 (3.06) 50 (3.40)
Medium Duty Air Pressure: psi (bar) 55 (3.74) 65 (4.42) 65 (4.42) 75 (5.10) 75 (5.10) 85 (5.78) 95 (6.46) 95 (6.46) 95 (6.46) 95 (6.46) 60,000 (4136.79) 0.14
60VM9 Sring Pre-Compression: in. (mm) 0.12 (3.05) 0.19 (4.83) 0.19 (4.83) 0.25 (6.35) 0.25 (6.35) 0.31 (7.87) 0.38 (9.65) 0.38 (9.65) 0.44 (11.18) 0.50 (12.70)
Stem Travel 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.19 0.12
in (mm) (6.35) (6.35) (6.35) (6.35) (6.35) (6.35) (6.35) (6.35) (4.83) (3.05)
Heavy Duty Air Pressure: psi (bar) 30 (2.04) 35 (2.38) 35 (2.38) 40 (2.72) 40 (2.72) 45 (3.06) 50 (3.40) 50 (3.40) 50 (3.40) 50 (3.40)
Valve Series Operator Duty System Pressure KSI (Mps) Maximum Pressure psi (bar)* Flow Coefficient Cv**
1-20 40 60 80 90 100 125 150
(6.89-137.89) (275.79) (13.68) (551.57) (620.52) (689.46) (861.83) (1034.20)
Air Pressure: psi 40 55 60 75 75
(bar) (2.72) (3.74) (4.08) (5.10) (5.10) 90,000 (6205.18) 0.17 to 0.15***
100V5 Heavy Duty Sring Pre-Compression: in. (mm) 0.19 (4.83) 0.31 (7.87) 0.38 (9.65) 0.50 (12.70) 0.56 (14.22)
Stem Travel 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.06
in (mm) (3.05) (3.05) (3.05) (3.05) (1.52)
Air Pressure: psi (bar) 30 (2.04) 40 (2.72) 45 (3.06) 55 (3.74) 60 (4.08) 60 (4.08) 70 (4.76) 75 (5.10) 150,000 (10341.97) 0.27
150V Heavy Duty Sring Pre-Compression: in. (mm) 0.12 (3.05) 0.19 (4.83) 0.25 (6.35) 0.31 (7.87) 0.38 (9.65) 0.38 (9.65) 0.44 (11.18) 0.56 (14.22)
Stem Travel 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.06
in (mm) (3.05) (3.05) (3.05) (3.05) (3.05) (3.05) (3.05) (1.52)
Series 100V and 150V Valves
Note: System operating pressure are shown for piston style operators.
The maximum system operating pressure for some diaphragm operators is
slightly reduced (approximately 10%).
** Cv data is for 2-way straight valves.
For angle pattern, add approximately 50% to the CV valve.
*** Cv varies because of spring compression limitations. The flow coefficient
range is given for the maximum stem travel (lowest system pressure) to
minimum travel (highest system pressure).
CAUTION: While testing has shown O-rings to provide satisfactory service life, both cyclic and shelf life may vary widely with differing service conditions, properties of reactants, pressure and temperature cycling and age of the O-ring, FREQUENT INSPECTIONS SHOULD BE MADE to detect any deterioration, and O-rings replaced as required.
*Maximum pressure rating is based on the lowest rating of any component.
Actual working pressure may be determined by tubing pressure rating, if lower.
All dimensions for reference only and subject to change.
For prompt service, Autoclave stocks select products. Consult your local representative.
Pneumatic Valve Actuators -Solenoid Valve Packages
Valve Packages
Solenoid valves are used to suppy on/off control of air to the valve actuator. They are normally mounted on the valve actuator, but can also be mounted remotely. Solenoid valves can be supplied in different voltages and configurations if required.
Solenoid manifolds are available and used when a large number of valve actuators require control or to contain power to a local area reducing assembly time. Remote mounted solenoids also permit the use of actuated valves in hazardous sensitive locations.
For additional information and options contact the nearest representative or the factory.
Piston and Diaphragm Operators: Light and Heavy-Light Duty Voltage Rating Package Contents (1) solenoid valve (1) 1/8” NPT brass nipple x 1.0” (25.40 mm) long (1) 1/8” NPT brass nipple x 2.0” (50.80 mm) long (1) 1/8” NPT brass elbow (1) 1/8” NPT x 1/4” tube “push to connect” fitting
Package Model Number Description Orifice in (mm)
90121 Snap-tite 8 Series 3 Way N/C 0.093 (2.36) 120/60 VAC
90122 Snap-tite 8 Series 3 Way N/C 0.093 (2.36) 24 DC
90123 Snap-tite 8 Series 3 Way N/C 0.093 (2.36) 240/60, 220/50VAC
Piston and Diaphragm Operators: Medium and Heavy Duty Voltage Rating Package Contents (1) solenoid valve (1) 3/8” NPT brass nipple x 1.0” (25.40 mm) long (1) 3/8” NPT brass nipple x 2.0” (50.80 mm) long (1) 3/8” NPT brass elbow (1) 3/8” NPT x 1/4” tube “push to connect” fitting (1) 1/8" NPT brass nipple x 1.0" (25.4 mm) long. (1) 3/8" to 1/8" NPT reducer.
Package Model Number Description Orifice in (mm)
90126 Snap-tite 22 Series 3 Way N/C 0.156 (3.96) 120/60 VAC
90127 Snap-tite 22 Series 3 Way N/C 0.156 (3.96) 24 DC
90128 Snap-tite 22 Series 3 Way N/C 0.156 (3.96) 240/60, 220/50VAC
Piston Operators: Extra Heavy Duty Voltage Rating Package Contents (1) solenoid valve (1) 3/8” NPT brass nipple x 1.0” (25.40 mm) long (1) 3/8” NPT brass nipple x 2.0” (50.80 mm) long (1) 3/8” NPT brass elbow (1) 3/8” NPT x 1/4” tube “push to connect” fitting
Package Model Number Description Orifice in (mm)
90350 Snap-tite 25 Series 3 Way N/C 0.62(15.88) 120/60 VAC
90351 Snap-tite 25 Series 3 Way N/C 0.62 (15.88) 24 DC
90352 Snap-tite 25 Series 3 Way N/C 0.62 (15.88) 240/60, 230/50VAC
N/C - Normally Closed For prompt service, Autoclave stocks select products. Consult your local representative. Note: All solenoids are 3 way normally closed - free venting . Solenoid Manifolds are also available, consult factory
All general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold.
Ball Valves
Pneumatic Actuators Electric Actuators
Autoclave Engineers ball valves can be supplied with either pneumatic or electric operators for automated or remote operation.
Pneumatic and electric operators can be supplied with a variety of features and options. Operators are sized for each valve series to provide reliable and trouble free operation. Listed below are the operator features and available options.
AE Ball Valve Actuator Features/Options:
Pneumatic Operators
Used for remote and automatic operation.
Air-to-open/spring-to-close and air to open and close (double acting).
Limit switches or limit switches with visual indicators available.
High temperature option available.
Stainless steel housing for corrosive applications
Manual override standard.
Electric Operators
Interface with control systems for automated operation and monitoring.
120 & 220 VAC, 50/60 Hz standard.
Explosion proof available.
CE mark available.
Manual override on selected models.
Ball Valves -Actuators
Pneumatic Operated Ball Valves
Add the suffix -AO or -AOC to the appropriate valve catalog number for a complete valve assembly
“A” “B” “C” “D” “E” “F” “G” “H” “I” “J” Seconds/90°
2B4-AO 6.69 2.56 2.50 1.25 1.00 0.50 0.28 1.14 2.50 1.58 .5 80 psi
(169.92) (65.02) (63.50) (31.75) (25.40) (12.70) (7.11) (28.95) (63.50) (40.13) (5.51 bar)
2B6-AO 9.84 3.94 3.00 1.50 1.50 0.75 0.34 1.87 3.00 2.24 .5 80 psi
(249.93) (100.07) (76.20) (38.10) (25.40) (19.05) (8.63) (47.49) (76.20_) (56.89) (5.51 bar)
2B8-AO 11.65 4.57 3.00 1.50 2.00 1.00 0.53 2.17 3.00 2.48 .5 80 psi
(259.91) (116.07) (76.20) (38.10) (50.80) (25.40) (13.46) (55.11) (76.20) (62.99) (5.51 bar)
3BD3-AO 6.69 2.56 2.50 1.25 1.00 0.50 0.28 1.14 2.50 1.58 .5 80 psi
(169.92) (65.02) (63.50) (31.75) (25.40) (12.70) (7.11) (28.95) (63.50) (40.13) (5.51 bar)
3BD6-AO 9.84 3.94 3.00 1.50 1.50 0.75 0.34 1.87 3.00 2.24 .5 80 psi
(249.93) (100.07) (76.20) (38.10) (25.40) (19.05) (8.63) (47.49) (76.20_) (56.89) (5.51 bar)
3BD8-AO 11.65 4.57 3.00 1.50 2.00 1.00 0.53 2.17 3.00 2.48 .5 80 psi
(259.91) (116.07) (76.20) (38.10) (50.80) (25.40) (13.46) (55.11) (76.20) (62.99) (5.51 bar)
2B4-AOC 6.69 2.56 2.50 1.25 1.00 0.50 0.28 1.14 2.50 1.58 .5 80 psi
(169.92) (65.02) (63.50) (31.75) (25.40) (12.70) (7.11) (28.95) (63.50) (40.13) (5.51 bar)
2B6-AOC 7.95 3.07 3.00 1.50 1.50 0.75 0.34 1.40 3.00 1.77 .5 80 psi
(201.93) (77.97) (76.20) (38.10) (38.10) (19.05) (8.63) (35.56) (76.20_) (44.95) (5.51 bar)
2B8-AOC 9.84 3.94 3.00 1.50 2.00 1.00 0.53 1.87 3.00 2.24 .5 80 psi
(249.91) (100.07) (76.20) (38.10) (50.80) (25.40) (13.46) (47.49) (76.20) (56.89) (5.51 bar)
3BD3-AOC 6.69 2.56 2.50 1.25 1.00 0.50 0.28 1.14 2.50 1.58 .5 80 psi
(169.92) (65.02) (63.50) (31.75) (25.40) (12.70) (7.11) (28.95) (63.50) (40.13) (5.51 bar)
3BD6-AOC 7.95 3.07 3.00 1.50 1.50 0.75 0.34 1.40 3.00 1.77 .5 80 psi
(201.93) (77.97) (76.20) (38.10) (25.40) (19.05) (8.63) (35.56) (76.20_) (44.95) (5.51 bar)
3BD8-AOC 9.84 3.94 3.00 1.50 2.00 1.00 0.53 1.87 3.00 2.24 1 80 psi
(249.91) (100.07) (76.20) (38.10) (50.80) (25.40) (13.46) (47.49) (76.20) (56.89) (5.51 bar)
NOTE: . Maximum allowable air pressure is 150 psi (10.34) . Actuators operating temperature: -20°F to 175°F (-29°C to 79°C)
. 1/8” NPT female air connector . High Temperature actuator option available, consult factory
. AO: Air to open/spring to close . Stainless steel housing actuator models available, consult factory
. AOC: Air to open/air to close (double acting) . Actuators available with limit switches and visual indicators.
. Actuators equipped with manual override . Corrosion resistant anodized aluminum housing.
All general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold.
Ball Valves -Actuators
Electric Operated Ball Valves
Add the suffix -EO1 or -EO2 to the appropriate valve catalog number for a complete valve assembly
SERIES OPEN/CLOSE Seconds/90° 50/60 HZ
“A” “B” “C” “D” “E” “F”
2B4-EO1 2.50 1.25 1.00 0.50 0.28 2.50 5 120 VAC
(63.50) (31.75) (25.40) (12.70) (7.11) (63.50)
2B6-EO1 3.00 1.50 1.50 0.75 0.34 3.00 6 120 VAC
(76.20) (38.10) (38.10) (19.05) (8.63) (76.20)
3BD3-EO1 2.50 1.25 1.00 0.50 0.28 2.50 5 120 VAC
(63.50) (31.75) (25.40) (12.70) (7.11) (63.50)
3BD6-EO1 3.00 1.50 1.50 0.75 0.34 3.00 6 120 VAC
(76.20) (38.10) (38.10) (19.05) (8.63) (76.20)
2B4-EO2 2.50 1.25 1.00 0.50 0.28 2.50 5 220 VAC
(63.50) (31.75) (25.40) (12.70) (7.11) (63.50)
2B6-EO2 3.00 1.50 1.50 0.75 0.34 3.00 6 220 VAC
(76.20) (38.10) (38.10) (19.05) (8.63) (76.20)
3BD3-EO2 2.50 1.25 1.00 0.50 0.28 2.50 5 220 VAC
(63.50) (31.75) (25.40) (12.70) (7.11) (63.50)
3BD6-EO2 3.00 1.50 1.50 0.75 0.34 3.00 6 220 VAC
(76.20) (38.10) (38.10) (19.05) (8.63) (76.20)
NOTE: . EO1: Electric 120 VAC
EO2: Electric 220 VAC
CSA approved for NEMA 4 & 4X
"E" DIAMETER (17.52)
(2) Holes
For other voltages consult factory
Actuator operating temperature: -20°F to 160°F (-29°C to 71°C)
Corrosive resistant Zytel housing
All general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold.
Ball Valves -Actuators
Electric Operated Ball Valves
Add the suffix -EO1 or -EO2 to the appropriate valve catalog number for a complete valve assembly
SERIES OPEN/CLOSE Seconds/90° 50/60 HZ
2B8-EO1 5 120 VAC
3BD8-EO1 5 120 VAC
2B8-EO2 5 220 VAC
3BD8-EO2 5 220 VAC