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Metrix 440/450 电子式振动开关
Metrix 440 Economical Switch | Metrix 440 / 450 Electronic Vibration Switches


Metrix 440/450 电子式振动开关利用一个固态晶体加速度计感受振动源发出的电子信号. 输出信号是与速度成比例的电子信号. 它会与预设的极限值比较, 如果超过极限值, 将会触发继电器. 除了与机械继电器的连接配置外, 440型振动开关没有其它可移动部件. 虽然440 型开关与机械式振动开关相比价格较高, 但它使用的是与远程监测系统一样的技术, 并具有与远程监测系统同样的功能. 而和这些产品相比, 却只花费了它们1/3 至 1/2 的费用.

Metrix 440/450 电子式振动开关PDF技术资料下载

此类开关的一个重要特点就是它们有一个内置的时间延时装置. 这就防止了报警触发或设备急停时引起的振动幅度的瞬时增加. 同时也避免了在机械启动时的瞬时振动引起的急停.

几乎所有的机械设备在启动至正常运行速度前都有几秒钟的过高振动时间. 如果开关没有时间延时功能, 同样的一个机械式开关, 启动时的瞬时过振会立即引起跳闸. 操作人员通常会一直使开关保持通路直到瞬时过振结束. 这就导致跳闸基准过高, 无法对机械的正常运行起到保护作用. 出厂设定的报警触发延时的标准时间是3秒. 但可根据现场应用调整, 调整范围是 2 至 15 秒.

Metrix 440/450 电子式振动开关产品特性
- 内置时间延时报警
- 减少错误触发
- 感应振动速度, 提供全频率保护
- 精度不受机械转速的影响
- 模拟旋钮设定极限
- 用于报警/通断的固态继电器触点
- 可现场设定的 N.O. 或 N.C.
- 远程复位功能
- 自测和校准功能
- 4-20 mA 电流输出
- 转换器可内置也可外接
- 铸铝壳体防护等级NEMA3, 4 和12标准
- 可选防爆模式 (450 系列)

Metrix electronic switch utilizes a solid state crystal accelerometer which provides an electrical output when it is deformed by the vibration forces. The output is electronically converted to a signal proportional to velocity. This signal is compared with a preset limit and triggers a solid state relay if the limit is exceeded. There are no moving parts in the 440 vibration switches except when configured with mechanical relays.

While the 440 costs more than a mechanical switch, it uses the same technology as sophisticated remote monitoring systems and provides most of the capabilities of these systems at 1/3 to 1/2 the cost per monitor point.

An important feature of the switche is the built-in time delay. This prevents triggering of the alarm or shutdown functions from transient increases in vibration levels. It also avoids shutdown due to transitory vibrations occurring during start-up.
Almost all machines experience a few seconds of high vibration during start-up before reaching operating speed. When no time delay function is included, as with mechanical switches, this start-up vibration causes a trip. Frequently, the operator turns the trip setting up until he can get through start-up. The resultant trip level is too high to afford protection at the machine’s operating speed.
Three-second alarm trip delay is standard on the switch. Alarm time delays are independently adjustable in the field over a range of 2 to 15 seconds.

5516B-M1032,5516B-101-24V,5510C-101,5516C-001-18V,5484E,ST5484E,ST5484E,ST5484E,METRIX,METRIX,METRIX,METRIX,5550开关,ST5484E-121,ST5484E-122,ST5484E-123,ST5484E-124,ST5484E-126,ST5484E-132,ST5484E-151,ST5484E-152,ST5484E-153,5550-011-010,5550-121-370,5550-211-020,5550-422-011,5550-413-031,5550-413-020,5550-411-310,5550-411-020,5550-221-020,5550-211-030,5550-211-011,5550-211-010,5550-123-010,5550-121-020,它会与预设的极限值比较, 如果超过极限值, 将会触发继电器. 440SR-2000-0100、440DR-2304-0225

Metrix振动开关用于涡轮机写、冷却塔、压缩机、泵、齿轮箱、Cooling Tower Fans,Reciprocating Compressors,Heat Exchanger Fans 等。



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