
MKS Instruments, Inc.
MKS为迅速发展的中国半导体、太阳能电池、LED和真空工业提供的产品和技术服务。MKS 是 的 进生产工艺控制设备供应商之一,其产品广泛地应用于各种半导体器件、平板显示器、太阳能电池、LED、光学储存介质、玻璃镀膜、光电产品等生产设备及制药和医学成像设备。MKS前瞻性的创新开发,推动其产品一直处于 地位。MKS的电源、测量、控制和复杂气体相关的工艺监控技术,改善了设备完好率和产品成品率,提高了产量和产品性能。MKS产品起源于我们的压力和流量测量与控制核心技术,延伸到材料递送、气体成份分析、工艺控制、信息管理、电源和反应气体发生器及真空技术。

MKS Instruments Product PDF Catalog
MKS 成立于1961年,总部位于美国东部波士顿以北的Andover。近三千名员工工作在全球各地十五个分公司、七个研究中心、十个生产基地(其中中国深圳的ENI电源工厂拥有近500员工)及140多个销售办事处和30多个技术服务中心。公司在纳斯达克上市,股票代码:MKSI。MKS 拥有完整的技术及产品资源,无论是产品的研发设计、生产管理还是客户支持服务,都能快速满足客户的各种特殊需求。
MKS Instruments
RGA in-situ Process Monitoring
MKS Mass Spectrometry gas analyzer products are innovative in-situ process monitoring instruments that are fully integrated, application-specific packages, including component residual gas analyzers (RGAs), web-enabled RGA's, analytical equipment, and process RGAs and control software.
Vacuum Monitoring and e-Diagnostics
Ultra High Vacuum (UHV)
CVD Processes
Vacuum Baseline RGA
Ion Implant
Photoresist Detection
High-Pressure RGA
Transfer Chamber Monitoring
Leak Detection
Atmospheric Pressure Gas Analysis
RGA Vacuum Leak Detection and Analysis

Residual Gas Analyzers can be a very effective tool to analyze system gas loads resulting from real leaks, virtual leaks or chamber wall outgassing. RGAs have a number of advantages over traditional, dedicated gas leak detectors including the ability to differentiate between different gas species, comparable sensitivity levels, the ability to detect internal or “virtual” leaks and to detect and analyze outgassing problems. MKS offers a broad range of RGA tools and supporting software packages that make process chamber leak detection and analysis fast and easy.

Product Catalog
MKS Instruments
Automation & Control
MKS Control and Information Technology product overview
Automation & Control Software
Senselink Data Gateway & Monitor data sheet
SenseLink QM data sheet
Automation Platforms
MKS Automation Platform data sheet
CompactPCI (cPCI) Cards & Cages
AIAO-0700 data sheet
CDCG-0760 data sheet
DIDO-0710 data sheet
PWRS-0720 data sheet
SCOM 3U data sheet
SCOM 6U data sheet
DeviceNet I/O Control Devices
MacroNode data sheet
Micronode data sheet
Ethernet I/O Control Devices
MacroNode data sheet
RMU data sheet
AS01366 data sheet
AS01367 data sheet
AS02366 data sheet
CDN366 data sheet
CDN367 data sheet
PFB366 data sheet
ToolLink data sheet
Programmable Automation Controllers
ECM data sheet
ECM2 data sheet
MKS Automation Platform data sheet
RMU data sheet
Temperature Controllers
MultiTherm 1000 data sheet
MultiTherm 2000 data sheet
Custom Vacuum Solutions
MKS Process Solutions brochure
Flow/Gas Delivery
MKS Instruments Flow Measurement & Control Product Line
Compact, General Purpose Thermal Mass Flow Controllers
MF1 data sheet
Flow Product Power Supplies, Readouts, & Accessories
MKS Mass Flow Control Accessories data sheet
MKS Mass Flow Control Power Supplies and Readouts data sheet
PR4000B data sheet
Test Diagnostic Board data sheet
Flow Ratio Controllers
DELTA IV data sheet
DELTA II "Stretch Body" data sheet
DELTA II data sheet
DELTA III data sheet
G-Series Thermal Mass Flow Controllers and Meters with Fast & Repeatable Performance
GE250A data sheet
GE50A data sheet
GM100A data sheet
GM50A data sheet
GM51A data sheet
GV50A data sheet

High-flow Thermal Mass Flow Controllers & Meters
1579/579 data sheet
MKS Instruments Flow Measurement & Control Product Line
MKS Mass Flow Control Power Supplies & Readouts data sheet
MKS Mass Flow Control Power Supplies and Readouts data sheet
I-Series IP66-rated Thermal Mass Flow Controllers & Meters
IE1000A data sheet
IE250A data sheet
IE500A data sheet
IE50A data sheet
IM100A data sheet
IM250 data sheet
IM50A data sheet
In Situ Flow Verifiers
HA-MFV, High Accuracy Mass Flow Verifier data sheet
Legacy Mass Flow Controllers & Meters
1179C data sheet
179C data sheet
ALTA MC20 data sheet
P-Series High Performance Multi-gas, Multi-range Thermal Mass Flow Controllers
P250A data sheet
P2A Low Pressure data sheet
P4B MFC data sheet
P9B data sheet
Thermal & Pressure-based Mass Flow Controllers & Meters
MKS Instruments Flow Measurement & Control Product Line
MKS Mass Flow Control Power Supplies & Readouts data sheet
Thermal & Pressure-based Mass Flow Controllers for Special Applications
1150C Heated Pressure-Based MFC data sheet
1152C data sheet
1640A data sheet
Design Request Sheet (.DOCX format)
Design Request Sheet (.PDF format)
Heaters, Traps & Effluent Management
MKS Process Solutions brochure
Adjustable Set Point, 120VAC Heater Jackets
Series 48 catalog
Adjustable Set Point, 240 VAC Heater Jackets
Series 48 catalog
Filter Housing Heater Jackets
Series 48 Filter Housing Heaters data sheet
Series 48 Heaters for Single-Use Filters data sheet
Nitrogen Barrier & Scrubber Inlet Transition Devices
Virtual Wall for Scrubber Inlets data sheet
Virtual Wall for TEOS data sheet
Process Traps
Metal Etch Trap data sheet
Teos Trap data sheet
Vapor Sublimation Trap data sheet
Series 48 Adjustable Set Point Vacuum Component Heater Jackets
Series 48 catalog
Series 49 Thermal Management System
Series 49 data sheet
Mass Spectrometry Solutions
MKS Instruments Mass Spectrometry Solutions product overview
Residual Gas Analysis/Mass Spectrometry literature archive
Atmospheric Pressure Gas Analysis Systems
Cirrus 3-XD data sheet
Cirrus 2 data sheet
Residual Gas Analyzers (RGA)
e-Vision 2 data sheet
HPQ3/HPQ3S data sheet
Microvision 2 data sheet
RGA Process and Chamber Environment Hardware and Software Monitors
300mm Resist-Torr data sheet
RGA Vacuum Process Monitors
HPQ3/HPQ3S data sheet
Vision 2000-B data sheet
Vision 2000-C /Vision 2000-E data sheet
Vision 2000-P data sheet
Alter? CM & CR Series Compact Microwave Power Supplies for 2450 MHz Magnetrons
CM 330 data sheet
CM 340/CM 440 data sheet
CM130 data sheet
CR 840 data sheet
CR 840/FR 840 manual
Alter? MPS Series Industrial Switch Mode Microwave Power Supply Systems for 915 MHz Magnetrons
MPS Series data sheet
Alter? SM Series Switch Mode Microwave Power Supplies, for 2450 MHz Magnetrons
SM 1250 data sheet
SM 1280 data sheet
SM 1690 data sheet
SM 845 data sheet
SM445 data sheet
Integrated Microwave Plasma Subsystems
AX2600/AX2700 data sheet
Microwave Generators
AL20000 Series data sheet
GS Series data sheet
SG 524 data sheet
SmartPower? AX2500 Series data sheet
Microwave Magnetron Heads
Alter Microwave Magnetron Heads data sheet
Microwave Plasma Sources
ASTeX AX7610 data sheet
Microwave Power Supplies
SmartPower? AX2500 Series data sheet
Optical Gas Analyzers
Optical Gas Analysis Products from MKS
FTIR Analyzers
AIRGARD? CWA/TIC data sheet
AIRGARD? HPM/TIC data sheet
AIRGARD?Plus CWA/TIC data sheet
MGS300 System data sheet
MGS300-EP Eductor Pump
MGS300-HL Heated Line
MGS300-KIT data sheet
MGS300-SP Sample Probe
MKS Optical Gas Analysis Products
MultiGas 2030 data sheet
MultiGas 2030 1065-Ready data sheet
MultiGas 2030 1065-Ready HiSens data sheet
MultiGas 2030 CEM HiSens data sheet
MultiGas 2030 CEM-Cert data sheet
MultiGas 2030-HS data sheet
MultiGas CEM data sheet
MultiGas Purity Analyzer data sheet
MultiGas TFS Monitor
MultiGas TFS Monitor data sheet
NDIR Analyzers
Process Sense data sheet
Precisive? 5 Application-specific Analyzers
Precisive? 5-152 data sheet
Precisive? 5-154 data sheet
Precisive? 5-155 data sheet
Precisive? 5-159 data sheet
Precisive? 5-162 data sheet
Precisive? 5-242B data sheet
Precisive? 5-242B data sheet (Chinese)
Precisive? 5-253 data sheet
Precisive? 5-282 data sheet
Precisive? TFS Tunable Filter Spectroscopy
Precisive? 5 data sheet
13.56MHz RF Plasma Generators
elite data sheet
GHW Series data sheet
2MHz RF Plasma Generators
KEINOS data sheet
NOVA? data sheet
DC Power Generators
RPDG-100 data sheet
RPDG-200 data sheet
RPDG-50 data sheet
Pressure/Vacuum Measurement
MKS Instruments Pressure Measurement & Control Product Line
Absolute & Gauge Process Measurement (Direct Pressure/Vacuum Measurement)
Pressure Measurement & Control Product Line
Ambient Temperature Operation (Direct, Absolute, Pressure/Vacuum Switches)
141A data sheet
41B, 42B, 51B, 52B data sheet
Ambient Temperature Operation (Direct, Absolute & Gauge, Analog Pressure/Vacuum Measurement)
121A data sheet
230E data sheet
622C data sheet
623F data sheet
626C data sheet
722B data sheet
740C/750C data sheet
a-Baratron Unheated Manometer data sheet
AA07A/AA08A Micro-Baratron? data sheet
Baratron? Analog Capacitance Manometer selection guide
R740C/R750C data sheet
Ambient Temperature Operation (Direct, Differential Pressure/Vacuum Measurement)
221B data sheet
226A data sheet
228A data sheet
Analog Communications (Direct, Absolute & Gauge Pressure/Vacuum Measurement)
Baratron? Pressure Measurement Selection Guide
Baratron? Analog Capacitance Manometer selection guide
Pressure Measurement & Control Product Line
Baratron? Direct (Gas Independent) Pressure/Vacuum Capacitance Manometers (0.01-155,000 Torr)
Information Regarding Older Pressure Measurement Products
Pressure Measurement & Control Product Line
Controllers for Vacuum Gauges & Transducers
307 Bayard-Alpert Gauge Controller data sheet
358 Micro-Ion? Gauge Controller data sheet
370 Stabil-Ion? Gauge Controller data sheet
475 Convectron? Gauge Controller data sheet
937B Gauge Controller data sheet
946 Controller data sheet
MKS Vacuum Gauge, Controller, & Module product overview
PDR900 data sheet
UHV Gauging for High Energy Physics
Differential Process Measurement (Direct Pressure/Vacuum Measurement)
Pressure Measurement & Control Product Line
Digital Communications (Direct, Absolute Pressure/Vacuum Measurement)
627C e-Baratron? data sheet
628C e-Baratron? data sheet
DA03A data sheet
e-Baratron? DA02A data sheet
E27C e-Baratron? data sheet
E28C e-Baratron? data sheet
i-Baratron DA01A data sheet
Pressure Measurement & Control Product Line
Granville-Phillips? Indirect Vacuum Gauges
MKS Vacuum Gauge, Controller, & Module product overview
Heated Analog Capacitance Manometers (Direct, Absolute, Analog Pressure/Vacuum Measurement)
624F data sheet
625F data sheet
627F data sheet
627F data sheet for Manometers with 24 VDC (20.0 – 31.5 VDC) and Profibus? Options
628F data sheet
628F data sheet for Manometers with 24 VDC (20.0 – 31.5 VDC) and Profibus? Options
629F data sheet
631D data sheet
727A data sheet
728A data sheet
a-Baratron? data sheet
Baratron? Analog Capacitance Manometer selection guide
CV7627D/CV7628D Baratron? Isolation System data sheet
E27F data sheet
E28F data sheet
E29F data sheet
Pressure Measurement & Control Product Line
Heated, Dual-range Capacitance Manometers (Absolute Analog Pressure/Vacuum Measurement)
Baratron? Analog Capacitance Manometer selection guide
D24F data sheet
D25F data sheet
D27F data sheet
D28F data sheet
Pressure Measurement & Control Product Line
High Accuracy, Wide Range Systems (Direct, Absolute, Analog Pressure/Vacuum Measurement)
120AA data sheet
690A data sheet
High Accuracy, Wide Range Systems (Direct, Differential Pressure/Vacuum Measurement)
120AD data sheet
698A data sheet
Installation Hardware for Vacuum Gauges and Sensors
Series 31 ISO-KF catalog
Series 88 CF catalog
Legacy Indirect Vacuum Gauges & Controllers
356 Micro-Ion? Plus Module data sheet
385 Convectron? ATM Module data sheet
903 Inverted Magnetron data sheet
943/423/421 data sheet
MKS Vacuum Gauge, Controller, & Module product overview
NEMA Compliant (Direct, Absolute, Analog Pressure/Vacuum Measurement)
220DA data sheet
430E data sheet
NEMA1 Compliant (Direct, Differential Pressure/Vacuum Measurement)
220DD data sheet
Power Supplies, Readouts, and Accessories for Baratron? Pressure/Vacuum Measurement Products
120AA data sheet
120AD data sheet
121A data sheet
121A manual
226A data sheet
4-20 mA Output Module data sheet
430E data sheet
670B data sheet
722B data sheet
727A/728A data sheet
LDM data sheet
LDM Local Display Module data sheet
MKS Instruments Pressure Measurement & Control Product Line
PDR2000 data sheet
PR4000B data sheet
PR4000B data sheet
Pressure/Vacuum Rate Calibrators
PBMS2 data sheet
PBTS1A data sheet
PVS6E data sheet
Relay Output (Vacuum/Pressure Switches)
Pressure Measurement & Control Product Line
Temperature Controlled to 100 degrees C (Direct, Absolute, Pressure/Vacuum Switches)
142A data sheet
Vacuum Gauge & Sensor Controller Cables, Parts & Accessories
307 Bayard-Alpert Gauge Controller data sheet
358 Micro-Ion? Gauge Controller data sheet
370 Stabil-Ion? Gauge Controller data sheet
475 Convectron? Gauge Controller data sheet
943/423/421 data sheet
946 data sheet
PDR900 data sheet
Vacuum Gauge and Sensor Cables & Parts
275 Mini-Convectron? Module data sheet
903 Inverted Magnetron data sheet
Series 970 data sheet
UHV Gauging for High Energy Physics
Vacuum Gauge Calibration Equipment
SRG-3 Spinning Rotor Vacuum Gauge System data sheet
Vacuum Gauge Transducers & Modules
275 Mini-Convectron? Module data sheet
347 Stabil-Ion? Module data sheet
355 Micro-Ion? Transducer data sheet
390 Micro-Ion? ATM Module data sheet
392 Micro-Ion? Plus ATM Module data sheet
523 data sheet
901P MicroPirani/Piezo data sheet
902B data sheet
905 MicroPirani Sensor Kit data sheet
910 DualTrans MicroPirani /Absolute Piezo data sheet
925 MicroPirani data sheet
Interactive Vacuum Gauge Selection Guide
MKS Vacuum Gauge, Controller, & Module product overview
MKS Vacuum Gauge, Controller, & Module product overview
Series 500 Cold Cathode Gauge Module data sheet
Series 970 data sheet

Vacuum Gauges
274 Bayard-Alpert Type Ionization Gauges data sheet
275 Convectron? Pirani Vacuum Gauge data sheet
355 Micro-Ion? Gauge & 358 Micro-Ion Gauge Controller data sheet
370 Stabil-Ion? Bayard-Alpert Vacuum Gauge data sheet
937B Gauge Controller data sheet
943/423/421 data sheet
MKS Vacuum Gauge, Controller, & Module product overview
Vacuum Quality Monitor (VQM?) Systems
835 Vacuum Quality Monitor System data sheet
835 VQM Differential Pump System data sheet
MKS Vacuum Gauge, Controller, & Module product overview
Reactive Gas
Ozone Generation Products brochure
Accessories for Ozone Products
OVS data sheet
Static Mixer data sheet
Dissolved CO2
DI-SOLVER CO2 data sheet
Dissolved Ozone Delivery Systems
LIQUOZON? HeliO3 data sheet
LIQUOZON? PrimO3 data sheet
LIQUOZON? Single data sheet
LIQUOZON? Smart data sheet
LIQUOZON? Stream data sheet
LIQUOZON? VariO3 data sheet
Ozone Generation Products brochure
Ozone Gas Delivery Systems
O3MEGA? AX8561 data sheet
Ozone Generation Products brochure
SEMOZON? AX8550 data sheet
SEMOZON? AX8555 data sheet
SEMOZON? AX8560 data sheet
SEMOZON? AX8575 data sheet
SEMOZON? AX8585 data sheet
Ozone Gas Generators
AX8415 data sheet
Ozone Generation Products brochure
SEMOZON? AX8407 data sheet
SEMOZON? AX8407C data sheet
SEMOZON? AX8410 data sheet
Ozone Sanitization
EO3 Ozone Sanitation Generator data sheet
LIQUOZON? Ultra data sheet
Ozone Generation Products brochure
Remote Plasma Sources
MKS Plasma Source Product Line
Downstream Plasma Sources
ASTeX AX7610 data sheet
AX7610 data sheet
Microwave Plasma Source data sheet
MKS Microwave Product Family
Plasma Sources for NF3 and Fluorine-based Gases
ASTRON? hf-s AX7645 data sheet
ASTRON? Paragon? AX7700/AX7710 data sheet
ASTRON?ex AX7685 data sheet
ASTRON?hf+ AX7635 data sheet
ASTRON?G7 AX7667 data sheet
Paragon? AX7710MKS-01 data sheet
Remote RF Plasma Sources
Paragon? H* AX7780/AX7785 data sheet
R*evolution? III AX7695 data sheet
R*evolution? V AX7696MKS-01 data sheet
Vacuum & Stainless Steel Components
MKS Process Solutions brochure
ButtWeld Vacuum Components & Fittings
Series 23 ButtWeld Component catalog
CF UHV Components & Fittings
Series 88 CF catalog
ISO-KF Vacuum Components & Fittings
Series 31 ISO-KF catalog
ISO-Universal Vacuum Components & Fittings
Series 76 ISO-Universal Component catalog
Valve Solutions & Pressure Controllers
Downstream Valves and Pressure Controllers
683B data sheet
Downstream Pressure Control Products data sheet
Downstream Pressure Control Products data sheet (includes 153D)
Downstream Pressure Control Products data sheet (includes 1651C specifications)
Downstream Pressure Control Products data sheet (includes 253 specifications)
Downstream Pressure Control Products data sheet (includes 651C specifications)
Downstream Pressure Control Products data sheet (includes 653B specifications)
T3BiA data sheet
T3BiB (RoHS compliant) data sheet
Gate Valves
R Series Gate Valve data sheet
Upstream Valves and Pressure Controllers
πPC PC90 Integrated Pressure Controller data sheet
πPC PC99 Integrated Pressure Controller with Mass Flow Meter data sheet
1249 data sheet
244E Pressure/Flow Controller & 245 Control Valve data sheet
250 data sheet
250A data sheet (248 specifications are included in this document)
250E data sheet (148J information is included in this document)
250E data sheet (with 154A specifications)
640B/641B data sheet
649B data sheet
DPC data sheet
GPCA data sheet
GPCMA data sheet
PPCA data sheet
PPCMA data sheet
Vacuum Isolation Valves
150/160 & V-100 Valve data sheet
2-stage Valve data sheet
Auto-Soft data sheet
Ball Valve data sheet
CRV Valve data sheet
CV Valve data sheet
ECv Compact Electric Vacuum Valve data sheet
Heated Ball Valve data sheet
High Cycle Valve (HCV) data sheet
High Flow Valve data sheet
IDA Valve brochure
Integrated LoPro Valve catalog
Jalape?o Valve data sheet
Jalape?o LoPro Heated Valve data sheet
LoPro 2-Stage Valve data sheet
LoPro Aluminum Body Vacuum Valve data sheet
LoPro Single Stage Low-Profile Valve data sheet
UHV Valve data sheet
Vacuum Sentry? data sheet
- Residual Gas Analyzers (RGA)
- RGA Vacuum Process Monitors
- RGA Process and Chamber Environment Hardware and Software Monitors
- Atmospheric Pressure Gas Analysis Systems
- Software for RGA, Process, and Chamber Monitoring
- Related: Optical Gas Analyzers
- Related: Granville-Phillips? 835 Vacuum Quality Monitor System
MKS Instruments Mass Spectrometry Solutions product overview
Residual Gas Analysis/Mass Spectrometry literature archive
MKS Instruments