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Engineered Molded Parts

模压橡胶产品和定制橡胶零部件Manufacturer Of Molded Rubber Products And Custom Rubber Parts

特瑞堡密封系统提供的一系列密封产品通常可以满足苛刻的应用要求。但在某些工况中,定制设计的组件是佳的密封解决方案。 The wide range of sealing products offered by Trelleborg Sealing Solutions can usually satisfy even the most demanding of application requirements. In some cases, though, a custom-designed component is the best sealing solution.

特瑞堡密封系统经常与客户的工程师团队合作,在现有的工程模塑橡胶产品,高级弹性体零部件,热塑性塑料或复合材料基础上,为客户设计适合其应用的佳设计。 We frequently work with customers' engineering teams to develop the optimum design for their applications in our Engineered molded rubber products, advanced elastomer parts, thermoplastic or composite sealing materials, custom molded rubber parts.

为全球众多客户都提供定制的橡胶隔膜。通过复合材料可解决具有挑战性的技术难题例如,包括应用聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)和可用于在化学腐蚀性环境中的垫圈。创新的塑料或金属 - 橡胶粘合技术可以简化零件并减少装配。 A large number of customers globally are supplied with custom-made rubber diaphragms . Technically challenging applications are solved with composite materials including the application of Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) and other barrier materials for gaskets to be used in chemically aggressive environments. Innovative plastic or metal-to-rubber bonding technology can result in simplified parts and reduced assembly.


定制的HiMod高模数塑料件 Custom-made HiMod High Modulus Plastics

各种高性能、高模数热塑件,用来作为定制的模制元件、加固圈和挡圈.特别适合用于结构、化工、电力和高性能轴承用途. A wide range of high performance, high modulus thermoplastics are available for use as custom-molded components, reinforcing rings and Back-up Rings. Grades can optimize operation on structural, chemical, electrical and high performance bearing applications.


弹性体膜片 Elastomer Diaphragms

膜片有许多种形式和结构,采用各种单一的或纤维加固的弹性体材料.通过复合设计和材料技术(包括应用聚四氟乙稀和其他针对化学腐蚀环境的阻挡层材料)解决了工艺上的挑战.塑料或者金属-对-橡胶粘接能够结合在一起,简化总成和提供运动或压力的精确控制.膜片通常设计成作为完整的定制解决方案,解决特殊用途的挑战,应用场合包括汽车和航空元件、化工工艺过程、环卫系统和水管理。 Diaphragms are available in many forms and designs in a variety of homogeneous or fabric-reinforced elastomers. Technically challenging applications are solved through composite design and material technology. This includes the application of PTFE and other barrier materials for chemically aggressive environments. Plastic or metal-to-rubber bonding can be incorporated to simplify assembly and provide precision control of movement or pressure.



Engineered HiMod FlatSeal

平垫圈主要安装在法兰上,广泛用于卫生和工业应用。对于要求更高的石化和化学加工部门,提供符合井喷和无组织排放法规的优质材料。对于食品和饮料应用,提供符合食品和药物管理局等严格食品接触标准的材料。Flat gaskets are primarily fitted in flanges and widely used in sanitary and industrial applications. For the more demanding petrochemical and chemical processing sectors, superior materials that are compliant with blowout and fugitive emission regulations are offered. For food and beverage applications, materials compliant with stringent food contact standards such as FDA, are provided.



定制的弹性体产品 Engineered Molded Elastomeric Parts

定制密封件和其它一系列标准弹性体,包括Isolast,公差小适合于各种行业和应用。作为您的发展合作伙伴,特瑞堡密封系统能与您共同设计、开发,提供满足应用需求的定制模具产品。 Customized seals and other components in a wide range of standard and specialized elastomers, including Isolast, are manufactured to close tolerances for all types of industries and applications. As your development partner, Trelleborg Sealing Solutions can work with you to design, develop and supply custom engineered molded parts to suit your application requirements.



定制的聚四氟乙稀元件 Engineered PTFE Components

各种填充或非填充工程聚四氟乙稀元件,用于工业的各个方面,包括阀座、泵膜片、人字形密封件、喷嘴、波纹管、导杆、轴承、电力绝缘体等,用设计辅助设备生产,或者按照用户的图纸生产. A wide range of filled and unfilled engineered PTFE components are made available to all types of industry. They include valve seats, pump diaphragms, chevron packings, nozzles, bellows, guides, bearings and electrical insulators. These are developed in conjunction with Trelleborg Sealing Solutions to the specific requirements of the customer.



研磨球 Ground Balls

研磨球是尺寸精度高的橡胶球体,它们保证没有泄漏的密封,对脏物不敏感,产生很小的噪声.研磨球初作为密封元件用在单向阀中,密封液压油、水或气. Ground Balls are rubber spheres of high dimensional accuracy. They guarantee sealing without leaks, are resistant to dirt and produce little noise. Ground Balls are used primarily as sealing elements in non-return check valves to seal against hydraulic fluid, water or air.



液态硅胶(LSR)模压零件 Liquid Silicone (LSR) Molded Parts

高精度液态硅胶零件尺寸通常都是很小的,通过注塑成型可以用于许多工业领域包括医疗,家电,食品,制药和电气工程。因此,高性能、高精度的磨具制作,复杂的工艺,完全专业的自动化生产,液态硅胶注塑零件会持续发展适用于更广泛的苛刻应用。 High-precision LSR parts, often delicate or micro-sized, are manufactured by injection molding techniques for many industrial sectors including medical technology, household appliances, the food and pharmaceutical industries and electrical engineering. As a result of high-performance, precision tool making and sophisticated process engineering and expertise, alongside fully automated production, LSR injection-molded parts continue to be developed for a wide range of challenging applications. Read more about our LSR molding capabilities.



Plate Heat Exchanger gaskets

板式换热器提供了一种高效的加热或冷却流体介质的方法。板式换热器在加热板和冷却板之间采用垫圈,广泛应用于化工、石油、天然气、食品、饮料、暖通空调、制冷、船舶等多种行业。上海/中国物流中心具备仓储能力Plate heat exchangers offer a highly efficient means of heating or cooling fluid media. Plate heat exchangers employing gaskets between the heating and cooling plates, are widely used in many types of industry including chemical processing, oil and gas, food and beverage, HVAC, refrigeration, marine, etc. Manufacturing sites are in Tijuana/Mexico and Czechowice/Poland, with warehousing capability through Logistics Centre in Shanghai/China



橡胶密封垫和橡胶金属合成密封垫 Rubber and Rubber-to-Metal Bonded Gasket

精密均匀的橡胶金属合成密封垫通常使用各种各样的工程橡胶定制生产,用于高性能发动机和其它应用。金属如冷轧钢,不锈钢,铜和铝都能与各类橡胶都能合成。作为您的发展伙伴,特瑞堡密封系统致力与您一同设计,研发和供应垫片以满足您的应用要求。 Precision homogeneous or rubber-to-metal bonded gaskets are custom molded from a large variety of engineered elastomers for high performance engine and other applications. Metals such as cold-rolled or stainless steel, brass or aluminium can be offered bonded to all elastomer types. As your development partner, Trelleborg Sealing Solutions can work with you to design, develop and supply gaskets to suit your application requirements.



橡胶与金属合成零件和橡胶与塑料合成零件 Rubber-to-Metal and Rubber-to-Plastic Bonded Parts

适合特定应用的定制密封件,作为您的发展伙伴,特瑞堡密封系统能够帮助您设计,开发和提供橡胶-金属零件和组合密封件满足您的要求。提供金属比如铜,铝,钢或者不锈钢能够与所有橡胶种类粘合。 Rubber-to-Metal and Rubber-to-Plastic Bonded Parts In many applications, a composite molded part has advantages in terms of technical robustness, quality, performance and total cost of ownership. Bonding of either standard or specialized elastomers, including Isolast, is feasible with a large variety of metals and thermoplastics. As your development partner, Trellborg Sealing Solutions can work with you to design, develop and supply a component to suit your application requirements.



Rubore 密封

Rubore工艺是的橡胶金属分层技术,让以往不可能的复杂密封件设计变成可能。Rubore密封件可以使总成本降低,减轻重量和消除频繁表面处理和后处理的需要。坚硬的产品可以降低安装成本和物流要求,并使得密封件自动安装成为可能。 The Rubore process is a unique rubber-metal layering technology permitting complex seal designs that have never before been possible. Rubore Seals provide overall cost benefits, reducing weight and frequently eliminate the need for surface finishing and after treatments. The stiffness of the product reduces handling costs and logistics requirements, and makes automated seal installation achievable.



硅胶软管 Silicone Hose and Tube

各类铂硫化的硅胶软管用于需要苛刻性能和洁净标准的生命科学,生物技术及制药市场中。PharmaTube广泛应用在不仅是单根软管也是具有附加值的套件或者设备里,如蠕动泵,药物传送或者医用导管。作为您的发展伙伴,特瑞堡密封系统致力与您一同设计,研发和供应PharmaTube并满足您的应用要求。 A comprehensive range of platinum cured silicone hose and tube is produced to the most stringent performance and purity standards demanded in the Life Sciences, biotechnology and pharmaceutical markets. PharmaTube is used either as singular tube or value-added tube sets and assemblies in a wide variety of applications such as peristaltic pumps, drug delivery or catheters. As your development partner, Trelleborg Sealing Solutions can work with you to design, develop and supply a PharmaTube solution to suit your application requirements. Read more about our silicone tubing and hose.



双流道(2K)液态硅胶零件 Two Component (2K) Liquid Silicone Parts

特别开发的具有专利的磨具设计及工艺创新是高级双组分注塑技术的基础,允许生产复杂高精度的零件。双流道模压工艺可以完全自动化注射两种不同硅胶或者硅胶与热塑性塑料到一个磨具里。2K解决方案可以拓宽设计空间,不需要二次处理和安装。 Specially developed, proprietary tool design and process innovation are the foundation of our advanced two-component injection technology, allowing the production of complex, high-precision parts. In a two-shot molding process, either two dissimilar silicones or a combination of silicone and thermoplastics are injected in two shots into a single tool using a fully automated process. 2K solutions offer increased design latitude and eliminate the need for secondary handling and assembly operations. Read more about our 2K/2-shot processing capabilities.



Trelleborg 特瑞堡密封系统是全球领先的密封解决方案供应商。 我们的产品范围包括 O形圈 液压密封件旋转密封件油封 静态密封件气动密封件机械端面密封件等等。 Trelleborg Sealing Solutions is a leading global supplier of sealing solutions. Our range of products includes O-Rings , hydraulic seals , rotary shaft seals , oil seals , static seals , pneumatic seals , mechanical face seals and many more.


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