Autoclave Engineers High Pressure Valves, Fittings, Tubing, and Air-Driven Pumps
从1945年开始,Autoclave Engineers开始生产具有安全、可靠操作性的高压阀系统,它们可以适用于各种温度、压力和环境状况。今天,Autoclave Engineers为各类高压行业提供可靠的高压阀、接头和管子。
产品性能是Autoclave Engineers对客户的承诺,Autoclave的阀、接头和管子满足严格的标准,它的压力可以从0到150,000 psi(10343 bar) ,温度从 0 到 1200°F (650°C)有上千种变化。别的工厂能比Autoclave Engineers在高压要求方面做得更好,也别的工厂能比Autoclave Engineers做的系统更可靠和具有创新的特性。Autoclave Engineers的产品为满足客户的各种需求而设计,并且具有品质高,交货准时,价格适当的特点。snap tite高压阀门接头全球高压阀门 家,用于海上油井及航天。
| 球阀 | 安全阀
| 仪表阀 | 特制的阀和阀组 | 气动执行器 | 接头
| 热电偶 | 压力表
Autoclave Engineer产品包括气驱液压泵、高温高压磁力泵,超高压针阀、球阀、单向阀、安全阀、仪表阀、不锈钢管、接头,高温高压反应釜、管式反应器、小型反应系统等。 依托产品资源及工厂的大力支持,我们在海上钻井、石油石化、天然气、航空航天、军工、电力、机床模具、工程机械、实验室设备等行业和领域取得了良好业绩,同时也拥有了大量优质客户,也请广大新老客户继续给予支持,我们也会加倍努力,为您提供更优质服务。
Parker Autoclave Engineers: High Pressure, High Temperature Technology | Parker Autoclave Engineers is a member of the Instrumentation Products Divison of Parker-Hannifin, a global manufacturer of high pressure valves, fittings, tubing, and air-driven liquid pumps. Parker Autoclave Engineers manufacturers products to operate under extreme pressure and temperature conditions. With pressures ranges 10,000 psi, 20,000 psi, 30,000 psi, 60,000 psi, 100,000 psi and 150,000 psi we are the first choice for the petrochemical, chemical, waterblast, waterjet, and oil and gas industries.| Parker, Autoclave, Engineers, Snap-tite, Valves, fittings, tubing, air driven, liquid pumps, instrumentation, products | Browse All Categories in the Parker / Autoclave Engineers FCD catalog including High Pressure Needle Valves, Pneumatic Valve Actuators, High Pressure Fittings and Tubing, High Pressure Adapters/Couplings, High Pressure Ball Valves | needle valves,valve actuators, fittings and tubing, adapters, couplings, ball valves, relief valves, custom valves, adapters, manifolds, accessories, sour service, instrumentation, valves, tools, installation, opreatioon, maintenance, technical information, products | PRODUCTS - Parker Autoclave Engineers Parker Autoclave Engineers is a member of the Instrumentation Products Divison of Parker-Hannifin, a global manufacturer of high pressure valves, fittings, tubing, and air-driven liquid pumps. Parker Autoclave Engineers manufacturers products to operate under extreme pressure and temperature conditions. With pressures ranges 10,000 psi, 20,000 psi, 30,000 psi, 60,000 psi, 100,000 psi and 150,000 psi we are the first choice for the petrochemical, chemical, waterblast, waterjet, and oil and gas industries。
应用领域: 海上油井, 石油化工及航天领域。