软管、管道、配件和连接器DANFOSS Hose, tubing, fittings and connectors
丹佛斯软管和软管配件具有广泛的工作压力范围、最佳的耐磨性、持久的耐用性和高性能的输送能力,为世界各地的各种设备和应用提供了终极流体输送解决方案,包括车辆、飞机、采矿、食品和饮料以及移动和工业设备。With wide operating pressure ranges, optimal levels of abrasion resistance, long-lasting durability and high-performance transfer capabilities, Danfoss hoses and hose fittings provide the ultimate fluid conveyance solutions for a variety of equipment and applications around the world, including vehicles, aircraft, mining, food and beverage, and mobile and industrial equipment.
Fittings and connectors 配件和连接器
从压接和可重复使用的接头、快速断开接头到钢制适配器等等,丹佛斯为几乎任何移动或工业应用提供了一系列令人难以置信的接头和连接器,以帮助您每次都实现正确的连接。From crimp and reusable fittings, quick disconnect couplings to steel adapters and more, Danfoss delivers an incredible range of fittings and connectors for virtually any mobile or industrial application to help you make the right connection every time.
Adapters 接头
我们的适配器采用碳钢、不锈钢和黄铜制成,符合或超过行业标准,有多种尺寸和配置可供选择,以应对几乎任何应用挑战。Offered in carbon steel, stainless steel and brass, our adapters meet or exceed industry standards and are available in a wide variety of sizes and configurations to handle nearly any application challenge.

Aeroquip performance fittings and adapters
我们的高性能接头和适配器设计用于Aeroquip高性能赛车软管,其设计符合Aerokip软管公差,在苛刻的赛车应用中提供卓越的性能和耐用性。Designed to work with Aeroquip performance racing hoses, our performance fittings and adapters are engineered to match Aeroquip hose tolerances, providing superior performance and durability in demanding racing applications.

Crimp fittings压接接头
Danfoss' complete line of crimp fittings provide unmatched quality and performance. Engineered for extremely high-pressure applications, their innovative design and superior corrosion resistance results in higher operating performance and less equipment downtime.

Quick disconnect couplings
丹佛斯快速断开联轴器采用最新的设计创新,在关键的液压、气动和热管理应用中最大限度地提高了易用性和系统正常运行时间。丹佛斯快速断开接头采用碳钢、不锈钢和黄铜制造,符合或超过行业标准Featuring the latest design innovations, Danfoss quick-disconnect couplings maximize ease of use and system uptime in key hydraulic, pneumatic and thermal management applications. Offered in carbon, stainless steel and brass, Danfoss quick-disconnect couplings meets or exceeds industry standards and are backed by the industry’s leading 3-year warranty.

Reusable and field attachable fittings
For a more sustainable approach to designing hydraulic systems, Danfoss offers reusable fittings. Reusable fittings can also be assembled in the field without any special tooling, leading to reduced downtime and quick repairs.

Hose and tubing 软管和硬管
丹佛斯软管和管材产品具有广泛的工作压力范围、最佳的耐磨性、持久的耐用性和高性能的输送能力,为世界各地的各种设备和应用提供了终极流体输送解决方案。With wide operating pressure ranges, optimal levels of abrasion resistance, long-lasting durability and high-performance transfer capabilities, Danfoss hose and tubing products provide the ultimate fluid conveyance solutions for a variety of equipment and applications around the world.
A/C and refrigeration hoses 空调和制冷软管
丹佛斯拥有行业领先的特性,如接近零渗透、更紧密的弯曲半径和同类产品中最宽的温度范围,为移动空调行业的软管性能、灵活性和耐用性树立了新的标准。With industry-leading features like near-zero permeation, a tighter bend radius and the widest temperature range in its class, Danfoss is setting new standards for hose performance, flexibility and durability in the mobile air conditioning industry.

Aeroquip performance hosesAeroquip
80多年来,Aeroquip性能赛车产品一直是世界各地赛车爱好者的首选。Aeroquip AQP内管用于我们的大多数高性能软管,在科学上具有优越性,允许流体和环境温度达到300°F,性能无损失,流体兼容性 。
For more than 80 years, Aeroquip performance racing products have been the number one choice of racing enthusiasts around the world. Aeroquip AQP inner tube, used in the majority of our performance hoses, is scientifically superior—allowing fluid and ambient temperatures of 300° F with no loss in performance and unmatched fluid compatibility.

Airbrake hose and tubing
After introducing the first nylon air brake tubing to replace metal and rubber brake lines, Danfoss offers a portfolio of flexible hose and tubing products with exceptional durability and superior resistance to oil, grease, gas, fuel, salts, moisture and chemicals.

Engine and fuel hose and tubing
我们的发动机和燃油管软管满足了客户最严格的排放要求,同时也满足了对更高效、可靠系统的日益增长的需求。无论是工作循环、温度、压力还是燃料类型的规格,我们都有针对卡车、公共汽车、特种车辆以及农业和建筑设备的解决方案,这些解决方案已被证明能够在最恶劣的条件下运行。Our engine and fuel tubing hoses meet our customers’ most stringent emissions requirements along with the growing demand for more efficient, reliable systems. No matter the need – whether it’s a specification for duty cycle, temperature, pressure, or fuel type – we have solutions for trucks, buses, specialty vehicles, and agriculture and construction equipment that are proven to perform under the toughest conditions.
Industrial hoses
Every industrial hose application requires something different, whether it’s high or low pressure, fast or slow transfer rates, or materials that range from air to water to hazardous chemicals. Danfoss has an extensive portfolio of industrial hoses to suit a range of markets and applications with unique requirements.

Hose assembly equipment and accessories
Danfoss offers a complete line of assembly equipment solutions designed to prep, assemble, clean, cap, and test your completed hose assembly.
Cabinets and assortments
Our complete line of stocking cabinets and assortments are the ideal way to organize your inventory of Danfoss hose ends, adapters, hoses and assembly tooling.

Contamination control products
Contamination control is crucial during the preparation processes in assembling fittings on hose, tubes, and pipes. Danfoss offers hose cleaning systems to ensure your hose assembly is free of contaminants, and hose capping systems to make sure the assembly remains contaminant free during storage and transit.

Hose proof test stands
Danfoss hose proof test stands allow for the efficient and safe final inspection and testing of hose lines and hose assemblies.

Hose saws, blades, cutting and skiving tools
Danfoss offers innovative saws, blades and precision cutting tools designed to ensure the success of your hose assembly operation.

Machines and tooling机器和工具
丹佛斯提供各种卷曲机和其他组装设备,用于制造软管组件。这些工具的设计、测试和制造都符合丹佛斯的工程标准,使用户能够一次又一次地制造高质量的软管组件.Danfoss offers a wide variety of crimp machines and other assembly equipment to build hose assemblies. These tools are designed, tested and built to exact Danfoss engineering standards to enable users to build high quality hose assemblies every time, time after time.

FD96 系列高压平面螺纹连接 -FD96 Series High Pressure Thread to Connect Flush Face
FD83系列全流量双联锁电子液冷快速接头 Quick-Disconnect Coupling 快速断开快速接头
FD83 series full flow dual interlocking coupling FD83系列全流量双联锁快速接头
EATON FD83快速接头 数据中心机房 机柜冷却管路 主管路 冷却液水流体输送
丹佛斯WQF8 系列全流量双互锁快换接头
DANFOSS Aeroquip 5400 Series Low Air Inclusion Refrigerant -
EATON Quick Disconnect Couplings
EATON伊顿5400系列低空气包体制冷剂快速接头 -
Eaton 5400 Series Low Air Inclusion Refrigerant Quick Disconnect Couplings
丹弗斯动力系统UQD系列低流阻无泄漏快换 UQD快换 低流阻无泄漏快换接头
Universal Quick Disconnect UQD Series