Danfoss Hansen 5400 Series制冷行业用快速接头
5400 Series/ Low Air Inclusion Refrigerant
Danfoss Hansen 5400 Series Low Air Inclusion Refrigerant
DANFOSS Quick Disconnect Couplings
DANFOSS 5400 Series Low Air Inclusion Refrigerant Quick Disconnect Couplings
DANFOSS伊顿5400系列低含气量产品线专为空调、制冷剂、气体和流体输送应用而设计的制冷快速接头。符合SAE J2064性能和R134a。 DANFOSS's 5400 Series low air inclusion product line is designed for air conditioning, refrigerant, gaseous and fluid transfer applications 。Meets SAE J2064 Performance with R134a。

DANFOSS 5400 Series Low Air Inclusion Refrigerant Quick Disconnect Couplings
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- 铜焊或螺纹端部连接,便于在管道或软管上安装。
- 用于低流体损失和空气夹杂的管状阀结构
- 螺纹连接设计允许在压力下连接和断开
- 可选隔板安装的锁紧垫圈和防松螺母标准配置
- 标准密封材料:氯丁橡胶
- 密封电镀,具有优异的耐腐蚀性
- 零下40度 to +135度 (-40oF to +275oF)
- 尺寸Sizes 4, 8, 12 and 16 (1/4,1/2, 3/4 and 1 inch)
- 适用于多种制冷剂包括,包括R134、R1234yf、R407c等
Applications & Markets
- Mobile Air Conditioning and Refrigerant
Danfoss Hansen 5400 Series/ Low Air Inclusion Refrigerant
All Categories > Hydraulic Hose & Fittings > Hydraulic QD Couplings > Aeroquip Hydraulic Quick Disconnect Couplings > Fluid Transfer and Refrigerant Couplings > 5400 Series/ Low Air Inclusion Refrigerant
DANFOSS 5400系列制冷行业5400-S5-8快速接头和DANFOSS 5400-S2-8快速接头库存大量现货。
5400-S2-4 |
Male |
1/4 |
No Adapter |
1 |
27.4 |
1.08 |
21.1 |
.83 |
19.1 |
.75 |
- |
- |
- |
5400-S5-4 |
Female |
1/4 |
No Adapter |
2 |
33.3 |
1.31 |
21.1 |
.83 |
16.0 |
.63 |
19.1 |
.75 |
- |
5400-S2-8 |
Male |
1/2 |
No Adapter |
1 |
34.8 |
1.37 |
31.8 |
1.25 |
33.3 |
1.31 |
- |
- |
- |
5400-S5-8 |
Female |
1/2 |
No Adapter |
2 |
41.4 |
1.63 |
33.3 |
1.31 |
25.4 |
1.00 |
30.2 |
1.19 |
- |
5400-S2-12 |
Male |
3/4 |
No Adapter |
1 |
44.2 |
1.74 |
46.5 |
1.83 |
41.4 |
1.63 |
- |
- |
- |
5400-S5-12 |
Female |
3/4 |
No Adapter |
2 |
54.6 |
2.15 |
45.7 |
1.80 |
35.1 |
1.38 |
41.4 |
1.63 |
- |
5400-S2-16 |
Male |
1 |
No Adapter |
1 |
46.5 |
1.83 |
53.3 |
2.10 |
47.8 |
1.88 |
- |
- |
- |
5400-S5-16 |
Female |
1 |
No Adapter |
2 |
60.2 |
2.37 |
56.9 |
2.24 |
44.5 |
1.75 |
50.8 |
2.00 |
- |
Dust Cap with Gasket Dust Plug with Gasket Body Size
5400-S6-4 |
5400-S8-4 |
1/4 |
5400-S6-8 |
5400-S8-8 |
1/2 |
5400-S6-12 |
5400-S8-12 |
3/4 |
5400-S6-16 |
5400-S8-16 |
1 |
5400-S2-4 -4 N/A N/A 1.08 .83 .75 inches N/A N/A Neoprene Male Half - No Adapter
5400-S2-8 -8 N/A N/A 1.37 1.25 1.13 inches N/A N/A Neoprene Male Half - No Adapter
5400-S2-12 -12 N/A N/A 1.74 1.83 1.63 inches N/A N/A Neoprene Male Half - No Adapter
5400-S2-16 -16 N/A N/A 1.83 2.10 1.88 inches N/A N/A Neoprene Male Half - No Adapter
5400-S5-4 -4 N/A N/A 1.13 .83 .63 inches .75 inches N/A Neoprene Female Half - No Adapter
5400-S5-8 -8 N/A N/A 1.63 1.31 1.00 inches 1.19 inches N/A Neoprene Female Half - No Adapter
5400-S5-12 -12 N/A N/A 2.15 1.80 1.38 inches 1.63 inches N/A Neoprene Female Half - No Adapter
5400-S5-16 -16 N/A N/A 2.37 2.24 1.75 inches 2.00 inches N/A Neoprene Female Half - No Adapter
5410-S17-4-4 -4 7/16-20 N/A 1.88 .83 .75 inches N/A .63 inches Neoprene Male Half SAE 37 DEGREE (JIC)
5410-S17-6-4 -4 9/16-18 N/A 1.89 .83 .75 inches N/A .63 inches Neoprene Male Half SAE 37 DEGREE (JIC)
5410-S17-6-8 -8 9/16-18 N/A 2.18 1.25 1.13 inches N/A 1.00 inches Neoprene Male Half SAE 37 DEGREE (JIC)
5410-S17-8-8 -8 3/4-16 N/A 2.28 1.25 1.13 inches N/A 1.00 inches Neoprene Male Half SAE 37 DEGREE (JIC)
5410-S17-10-12 -12 7/8-14 N/A 2.75 1.83 1.63 inches N/A 1.38 inches Neoprene Male Half SAE 37 DEGREE (JIC)
5410-S17-12-12 -12 1-1/16 - 12 N/A 2.86 1.83 1.63 inches N/A 1.38 inches Neoprene Male Half SAE 37 DEGREE (JIC)
5410-S17-16-16 -16 1-5/16 - 12 N/A 2.99 2.10 1.88 inches N/A 1.75 inches Neoprene Male Half SAE 37 DEGREE (JIC)
5410-S14-4-4 -4 7/16-20 N/A 1.93 .83 .63 inches .75 inches .63 inches Neoprene Female Half SAE 37 DEGREE (JIC)
5410-S14-6-4 -4 9/16-18 N/A 1.94 .83 .63 inches .75 inches .63 inches Neoprene Female Half SAE 37 DEGREE (JIC)
5410-S14-6-8 -8 9/16-18 N/A 2.43 1.31 1.00 inches 1.19 inches 1.00 inches Neoprene Female Half SAE 37 DEGREE (JIC)
5410-S14-8-8 -8 3/4-16 N/A 2.53 1.31 1.00 inches 1.19 inches 1.00 inches Neoprene Female Half SAE 37 DEGREE (JIC)
5410-S14-10-12 -12 7/8-14 N/A 3.16 1.80 1.38 inches 1.63 inches 1.38 inches Neoprene Female Half SAE 37 DEGREE (JIC)
5410-S14-12-12 -12 1-1/16 - 12 N/A 3.27 1.80 1.38 inches 1.63 inches 1.38 inches Neoprene Female Half SAE 37 DEGREE (JIC)
5410-S14-16-16 -16 1-5/16 - 12 N/A 3.53 2.24 1.75 inches 2.00 inches 1.75 inches Neoprene Female Half SAE 37 DEGREE (JIC)
5410-4-4 -4 7/16-20 N/A 3.54 N/A N/A N/A N/A Neoprene COMPLETE COUPLING SAE 37 DEGREE (JIC)
5410-6-4 -4 9/16-18 N/A 3.56 N/A N/A N/A N/A Neoprene COMPLETE COUPLING SAE 37 DEGREE (JIC)
5410-6-8 -8 9/16-18 N/A 4.23 N/A N/A N/A N/A Neoprene COMPLETE COUPLING SAE 37 DEGREE (JIC)
5410-8-8 -8 3/4-16 N/A 4.44 N/A N/A N/A N/A Neoprene COMPLETE COUPLING SAE 37 DEGREE (JIC)
5410-10-12 -12 7/8-14 N/A 5.33 N/A N/A N/A N/A Neoprene COMPLETE COUPLING SAE 37 DEGREE (JIC)
5410-12-12 -12 1-1/16 - 12 N/A 5.54 N/A N/A N/A N/A Neoprene COMPLETE COUPLING SAE 37 DEGREE (JIC)
5410-16-16 -16 1-5/16 - 12 N/A 5.89 N/A N/A N/A N/A Neoprene COMPLETE COUPLING SAE 37 DEGREE (JIC)
5401-S17-4-4 -4 N/A 1/4 inches 1.52 .83 .75 inches N/A .63 inches Neoprene MALE HALF BRAZE TUBING ADAPTER
5401-S17-6-4 -4 N/A 3/8 inches 1.52 .83 .75 inches N/A .63 inches Neoprene MALE HALF BRAZE TUBING ADAPTER
5401-S17-6-8 -8 N/A 3/8 inches 1.75 1.31 1.13 inches N/A 1.00 inches Neoprene MALE HALF BRAZE TUBING ADAPTER
5401-S17-8-8 -8 N/A 1/2 inches 1.75 1.31 1.13 inches N/A 1.00 inches Neoprene MALE HALF BRAZE TUBING ADAPTER
5401-S17-10-12 -12 N/A 5/8 inches 2.47 1.80 1.63 inches N/A 1.38 inches Neoprene MALE HALF BRAZE TUBING ADAPTER
5401-S17-12-12 -12 N/A 3/4 inches 2.47 1.80 1.63 inches N/A 1.38 inches Neoprene MALE HALF BRAZE TUBING ADAPTER
5401-S17-16-16 -16 N/A 1 inches 2.80 2.24 1.88 inches N/A 1.75 inches Neoprene MALE HALF BRAZE TUBING ADAPTER
5401-S14-4-4 -4 N/A 1/4 inches 1.57 .83 .63 inches .75 inches .63 inches Neoprene FEMALE HALF BRAZE TUBING ADAPTER
5401-S14-6-4 -4 N/A 3/8 inches 1.57 .83 .63 inches .75 inches .63 inches Neoprene FEMALE HALF BRAZE TUBING ADAPTER
5401-S14-6-8 -8 N/A 3/8 inches 2.00 1.31 1.00 inches 1.19 inches 1.00 inches Neoprene FEMALE HALF BRAZE TUBING ADAPTER
5401-S14-8-8 -8 N/A 1/2 inches 2.00 1.31 1.00 inches 1.19 inches 1.00 inches Neoprene FEMALE HALF BRAZE TUBING ADAPTER
5401-S14-10-12 -12 N/A 5/8 inches 2.88 1.80 1.38 inches 1.63 inches 1.38 inches Neoprene FEMALE HALF BRAZE TUBING ADAPTER
5401-S14-12-12 -12 N/A 3/4 inches 2.88 1.80 1.38 inches 1.63 inches 1.38 inches Neoprene FEMALE HALF BRAZE TUBING ADAPTER
5401-S14-16-16 -16 N/A 1 inches 3.34 2.24 1.75 inches 2.00 inches 1.75 inches Neoprene FEMALE HALF BRAZE TUBING ADAPTER
5410-S17-6-8 -8
5400-S2-4 Male 1/4 No Adapter 1 27.4 (1.08) 21.1 (.83) 19.1 (.75) - - - -
5400-S5-4 Female 1/4 No Adapter 2 33.3 (1.31) 21.1 (.83) 16.0 (.63) 19.1 (.75) - -
5400-S2-8 Male 1/2 No Adapter 1 34.8 (1.37) 31.8 (1.25) 33.3 (1.31) - - - -
5400-S5-8 Female 1/2 No Adapter 2 41.4 (1.63) 33.3 (1.31) 25.4 (1.00) 30.2 (1.19 - -
5400-S2-12 Male 3/4 No Adapter 1 44.2 (1.74) 46.5 (1.83) 41.4 (1.63) - - - -
5400-S5-12 Female 3/4 No Adapter 2 54.6 (2.15) 45.7 (1.80) 35.1 (1.38) 41.4 (1.63) - -
5400-S2-16 Male 1 No Adapter 1 46.5 (1.83) 53.3 (2.10) 47.8 (1.88) - - - -
5400-S5-16 Female 1 No Adapter 2 60.2 (2.37) 56.9 (2.24) 44.5 (1.75) 50.8 (2.00) - -
Dimensions – SAE 37° (JIC)
Part Number Coupling Body Port Dimensions
Buna-N Type Size Size Thread Type Fig. A B Hex 1 Hex 2 Hex 3
mm (in) mm (in) mm (in) mm (in) mm (in)
5410-S17-4-4* Male 1/4 7/16 7/16-20 SAE 37° (JIC) 3 47.8 (1.88) 21.1 (.83) 19.1 (.75) - - 16.0 (.63)
5410-S14-4-4* Female 1/4 7/16 7/16-20 SAE 37° (JIC) 4 49.0 (1.93) 21.1 (.83) 16.0 (.63) 19.1 (.75) 15.7 (.62)
5410-4-4* Complete 1/4 7/16 7/16-20 SAE 37° (JIC) 5 89.9 (3.54) - - - - - - - -
5410-S17-6-4* Male 1/4 9/16 9/16-18 SAE 37° (JIC) 3 48.0 (1.89) 21.1 (.83) 19.1 (.75) - - 16.0 (.63)
5410-S14-6-4* Female 1/4 9/16 9/16-18 SAE 37° (JIC) 4 49.3 (1.94) 21.1 (.83) 16.0 (.63) 19.1 (.75) 15.7 (.62)
5410-6-4* Complete 1/4 9/16 9/16-18 SAE 37° (JIC) 5 90.4 (3.56) - - - - - - - -
5410-S17-6-8* Male 1/2 9/16 9/16-18 SAE 37° (JIC) 3 55.4 (2.18) 31.8 (1.25) 28.7 (1.13) - - 25.4 (1.00)
5410-S14-6-8* Female 1/2 9/16 9/16-18 SAE 37° (JIC) 4 61.7 (2.43) 33.3 (1.31) 25.4 (1.00) 30.2 (1.19) 25.4 (1.00)
5410-6-8* Complete 1/2 9/16 9/16-18 SAE 37° (JIC) 5 107.4 (4.23) - - - - - - - -
5410-S17-8-8* Male 1/2 3/4 3/4-16 SAE 37° (JIC) 3 57.9 (2.28) 31.8 (1.25) 28.7 (1.13) - - 25.4 (1.00)
5410-S14-8-8* Female 1/2 3/4 3/4-16 SAE 37° (JIC) 4 64.3 (2.53) 33.3 (1.31) 25.4 (1.00) 30.2 (1.19) 25.4 (1.00)
5410-8-8* Complete 1/2 3/4 3/4-16 SAE 37° (JIC) 5 112.8 (4.44) - - - - - - - -
5410-S17-10-12* Male 3/4 7/8 7/8-14 SAE 37° (JIC) 3 69.9 (2.75) 46.5 (1.83) 41.4 (1.63) - - 35.1 (1.38)
5410-S14-10-12* Female 3/4 7/8 7/8-14 SAE 37° (JIC) 4 80.3 (3.16) 45.7 (1.80) 35.1 (1.38) 41.1 (1.62) 35.1 (1.38)
5410-10-12* Complete 3/4 7/8 7/8-14 SAE 37° (JIC) 5 135.4 (5.33) - - - - - - - -
5410-S17-12-12* Male 3/4 1 1/16 1 1/16-12 SAE 37° (JIC) 3 72.6 (2.86) 46.5 (1.83) 41.4 (1.63) - - 35.1 (1.38)
5410-S14-12-12* Female 3/4 1 1/16 1 1/16-12 SAE 37° (JIC) 4 83.1 (3.27) 45.7 (1.80) 35.1 (1.38) 41.1 (1.62) 35.1 (1.38)
5410-12-12* Complete 3/4 1 1/16 1 1/16-12 SAE 37° (JIC) 5 140.7 (5.54) - - - - - - - -
5410-S17-16-16* Male 1 1 5/16 1 5/16-12 SAE 37° (JIC) 3 75.9 (2.99) 53.3 (2.10) 47.8 (1.88) - - 44.5 (1.75)
5410-S14-16-16* Female 1 1 5/16 1 5/16-12 SAE 37° (JIC) 4 89.7 (3.53) 56.9 (2.24) 44.5 (1.75) 50.8 (2.00) 44.5 (1.75)
5410-16-16* Complete
5401-S17-4-4* Male 1/4 1/4 Braze Tubing Adapter 6 38.6 (1.52) 21.1 (.83) 19.1 (.75) - - 16.0 (.63)
5401-S14-4-4* Female 1/4 1/4 Braze Tubing Adapter 7 39.9 (1.57) 21.1 (.83) 16.0 (.63) 19.1 (.75) 16.0 (.63)
5401-S17-6-4* Male 1/4 3/8 Braze Tubing Adapter 6 38.6 (1.52) 21.1 (.83) 19.1 (.75) - - 16.0 (.63)
5401-S14-6-4* Female 1/4 3/8 Braze Tubing Adapter 7 39.9 (1.57) 21.1 (.83) 16.0 (.63) 19.1 (.75) 16.0 (.63)
5410-S17-6-8* Male 1/2 3/8 Braze Tubing Adapter 6 44.5 (1.75) 33.3 (1.31) 28.7 (1.13) - - 25.4 (1.00)
5401-S14-6-8* Female 1/2 3/8 Braze Tubing Adapter 7 50.8 (2.00) 33.3 (1.31) 25.4 (1.00) 30.2 (1.19) 25.4 (1.00)
5401-S17-8-8* Male 1/2 1/2 Braze Tubing Adapter 6 44.5 (1.75) 33.3 (1.31) 28.7 (1.13) - - 25.4 (1.00)
5401-S14-8-8* Female 1/2 1/2 Braze Tubing Adapter 7 50.8 (2.00) 33.3 (1.31) 25.4 (1.00) 30.2 (1.19) 25.4 (1.00)
5401-S17-10-12* Male 3/4 5/8 Braze Tubing Adapter 6 62.7 (2.47) 45.7 (1.80) 41.4 (1.63) - - 35.1 (1.38)
5401-S14-10-12* Female 3/4 5/8 Braze Tubing Adapter 7 73.2 (2.88) 45.7 (1.80) 35.1 (1.38) 41.4 (1.63) 35.1 (1.38)
5401-S17-12-12* Male 3/4 3/4 Braze Tubing Adapter 6 62.7 (2.47) 45.7 (1.80) 41.4 (1.63) - - 35.1 (1.38)
5401-S14-12-12* Female 3/4 3/4 Braze Tubing Adapter 7 73.2 (2.88) 45.7 (1.80) 35.1 (1.38) 41.4 (1.63) 35.1 (1.38)
5401-S17-16-16* Male 1 1 Braze Tubing Adapter 6 71.1 (2.80) 56.9 (2.24) 47.8 (1.88) - - 44.5 (1.75)
5401-S14-16-16* Female 1 1 Braze Tubing Adapter
5400-S6-4 5400-S8-4 1/4
5400-S6-8 5400-S8-8 -1/2
5400-S6-12 5400-S8-12 3/4
5400-S6-16 5400-S8-16 1
Adapter SAE 37° (JIC)
O-ring Brass Steel Body Size Thread Tube O.D. Size
22546-12 202220-4-4B 202220-4-4S 1/4 7/16-20 1/4
22546-12 202220-6-4B 202220-6-4S 1/4 9/16-18 3/8
22546-17 202220-6-8B 202220-6-8S 1/2 9/16-18 3/8
22546-17 202220-8-8B 202220-8-8S 1/2 3/4-16 1/2
22546-23 202220-10-12B 202220-10-12S 3/4 7/8-14 5/8
22546-23 202220-12-12B 202220-12-12S 3/4 1 1/16-12 3/4
22546-28 202220-16-16B 202220-16-16S????
Adapter – Braze
O-ring Brass Steel Body Size Thread Tube O.D. Size
22546-12 202208-4-4B - 1/4 1/2-20 1/4
22546-17 202208-4-8B - 1/2 7/8-20 1/2
22546-12 202208-6-4B - 1/4 1/2-20 3/8
22546-17 202208-6-8B - 1/2 7/8-20 3/8
22546-17 202208-8-8B - 1/2 7/8-20 1/2
2254617 202208-10-8B - 1/2 7/8-20 5/8
22546-23 202208-10-12B - 3/4 1 1/4-18 5/8
22546-23 202208-12-12B - 3/4 1 1/4-18 3/4
22546-23 202202-14-12B - 1 1 1/4-18 7/8
22546-28 202208-14-16B - 1 1 19/32-20 7/8
22546-28 202208-16-16B - 1 1 19/32-20 1
22546-28 202208-18-16B - 1 1 19/32-20 1 1/8
22546-28 202208-22-16B
5401-S14-10-12 -12 1 -10 -12B 1 -23 1
5401-S14-10-8 -8 1 -10 -8B -17 1
5401-S14-12-12 -12 1 -12 -12B 1 -23 1
5401-S14-16-16 -16 1 -16 -16B 1 -28 1
5401-S14-4-4 -4 1 -4 -4B 1 -12 1
5401-S14-6-4 -4 1 -6 -4B 1 -12 1
5401-S14-6-8 -8 1 -6 -8B 1 -17 1
5401-S14-8-8 -8 1 -8 -8B 1 -17 1
5401-S17-10-12 -12 1 -10 -12B 1 -23 1
5401-S17-10-8 -8 1 -10 -8B 1 -17 1
5401-S17-12-12 -12 1 -12 -12 1 -23 1
5401-S17-14-16 -16 1 -16 -16 1 -28 1
5401-S17-4-4 -4 1 -4 -4B 1 -17 1
5401-S17-6-4 -4 1 -6 -4B 1 -12 1
5401-S17-6-8 -8 1 -6 -8B 1 -17 1
5401-S17-8-8 -8 1 -8 -8B 1 -17 1
5410-12-12 -12 1 -12 1 -12 -12S 2 -23 2
5410-16-16 -16 1 -16 1 -16 -16S 2 -28 2
5410-4-4 -4 1 -4 1 -4 -4S 2 -12 2
5410-6-8 -8 1 -8 1 -6 -8S 2 -17 2
5410-8-8 -8 1 -8 1 -8 -8S 2 -17 2
5410-S14-10-12 -12 1 -10 -12S 1 -23 1
5410-S14-12-12 -12 1 -12 -12S 1 -23 1
5410-S14-16-16 -16 1 -16 -16S 1 -28 1
5410-S14-4-4 -4 1 -4 -4S 1 -12 1
5410-S14-6-4 -4 1 -6 -4S 1 -12 1
5410-S14-6-8 -8 1 -6 -8S 1 -17 1
5410-S14-8-8 -8 1 -8 -8S 1 -17 1
5410-S17-10-12 -12 1 -10 -12S 1 -23 1
5410-S17-12-12 -12 1 -12 -12S 1 -23 1
5410-S17-16-16 -16 1 -16 -16S 1 -28 1
5410-S17-4-4 -4 1 -4 -4S 1 -12 1
5410-S17-6-4 -4 1 -6 -4S 1 -12 1
5410-S17-6-8 -8 1 -6 -8S 1 -17 1
mm (in) mm (in) mm (in) mm (in) mm (in)
5400-S2-4 Male 1/4 No Adapter 1 27.4 (1.08) 21.1 (.83) 19 (.75) - - - -
5400-S5-4 Female 1/4 No Adapter 2 28.7 (1.13) 21.1 (.83) 16.0 (.63) 19 (.75) - -
5400-S2-8 Male 1/2 No Adapter 1 34.8 (1.37) 32.0 (1.26) 29.0 (1.14) - - - -
5400-S5-8 Female 1/2 No Adapter 2 40.6 (1.60) 33.0 (1.30) 26.0 (1.02) 30.0 (1.18) - -
5400-S2-12 Male - No Adapter 1 44.2 (1.74) 46.4 (1.83) 41.0 (1.61) - - - -
5400-S5-12 Female - No Adapter 2 55.1 (2.17) 45.0 (1.77) 35.0 (1.38) 41.0 (1.61) - -
5400-S2-16 Male 1 No Adapter 1 46.5 (1.83) 53.0 (2.10) 48.0 (1.89) - - - -
5400-S5-16 Female 1 No Adapter 2 61.1 (2.41) 56.0 (2.20) 45.0 (1.77) 50.0 (1.97) - -
Dimensions – SAE 37° (JIC) (Dimensional reference only)
Part Number Coupling Body Port Dimensions Buna-N Type Size Size Thread Type Fig- A B Hex Hex
*Couplings must be ordered by components as shown on page 147- mm (in) mm (in) mm (in) mm (in) mm (in)
5410-S17-4-4* Male 1/4 7/16 7/16-20 SAE 37° (JIC) 3 47.8 (1.88) 21.1 (.83) 19 (.75) - - 16.0 (.63)
5410-S14-4-4* Female 1/4 7/16 7/16-20 SAE 37° (JIC) 4 49.0 (1.93) 21.1 (.83) 16.0 (.63) 19 (.75) 15.7 (.62)
5410-4-4* Complete 1/4 7/16 7/16-20 SAE 37° (JIC) 5 89.9 (3.54) - - - - - - - -
5410-S17-6-4* Male 1/4 9/16 9/16-18 SAE 37° (JIC) 3 48.0 (1.89) 21.1 (.83) 19 (.75) - - 16.0 (.63)
5410-S14-6-4* Female 1/4 9/16 9/16-18 SAE 37° (JIC) 4 49.3 (1.94) 21.1 (.83) 16.0 (.63) 19 (.75) 15.7 (.62)
5410-6-4* Complete 1/4 9/16 9/16-18 SAE 37° (JIC) 5 90.4 (3.56) - - - - - - - -
5410-S17-6-8* Male 1/4 9/16 9/16-18 SAE 37° (JIC) 3 55.4 (2.18) 31.8 (1.25) 29 (1.14) - - 25.4 (1.00)
5410-S14-6-8* Female 1/2 9/16 9/16-18 SAE 37° (JIC) 4 61.7 (2.43) 33.3 (1.31) 26 (1.02) 30 (1.18) 25.4 (1.00)
5410-6-8* Complete 1/2 9/16 9/16-18 SAE 37° (JIC) 5 107.4 (4.23) - - - - - - - -
5410-S17-8-8* Male 1/2 - .-16 SAE 37° (JIC) 3 57.9 (2.28) 31.8 (1.25) 29 (1.14) - - 25.4 (1.00)
5410-S14-8-8* Female 1/2 - .-16 SAE 37° (JIC) 4 64.3 (2.53) 33.3 (1.31) 26 (1.02) 30 (1.18) 25.4 (1.00)
5410-8-8* Complete 1/2 - .-16 SAE 37° (JIC) 5 112.8 (4.44) - - - - - - - -
5410-S17-10-12* Male - 7/8 7/8-14 SAE 37° (JIC) 3 69.9 (2.75) 46.5 (1.83) 41 (1.62) - - 35.1 (1.38)
5410-S14-10-12* Female - 7/8 7/8-14 SAE 37° (JIC) 4 80.3 (3.16) 45.7 (1.80) 35 (1.38) 41 (1.62) 35.1 (1.38)
5410-10-12* Complete - 7/8 7/8-14 SAE 37° (JIC) 5 135.4 (5.33) - - - - - - - -
5410-S17-12-12* Male - 1 1/16 1 1/16-12 SAE 37° (JIC) 3 72.6 (2.86) 46.5 (1.83) 41 (1.62) - - 35.1 (1.38)
5410-S14-12-12* Female - 1 1/16 1 1/16-12 SAE 37° (JIC) 4 83.1 (3.27) 45.7 (1.80) 35 (1.38) 41 (1.62) 35.1 (1.38)
5410-12-12* Complete - 1 1/16 1 1/16-12 SAE 37° (JIC) 5 140.7 (5.54) - - - - - - - -
5410-S17-16-16* Male 1 1 5/16 1 5/16-12 SAE 37° (JIC) 3 75.9 (2.99) 53.3 (2.10) 48 (1.89) - - 44.5 (1.75)
5410-S14-16-16* Female 1 1 5/16 1 5/16-12 SAE 37° (JIC) 4 89.7 (3.53) 56.9 (2.24) 45 (1.77) 50 (1.97) 44.5 (1.75)
5410-16-16* Complete 1 1 5/16 1 5/16-12 SAE 37° (JIC) 5 149.6 (5.89) - - - - - - - -
Above items must be ordered at the component level - see page 148-
5400 Series Low Air Inclusion Refrigerant
Dimensions – Braze Tubing Adapter (Dimensional reference only)
Part Number Coupling Body Tube O.D- Dimensions Neoprene Type Size Size Type Fig- A B Hex
*Couplings must be ordered by components as shown on page 147- mm (in) mm (in) mm (in) mm (in) mm (in)
5401-S17-4-4* Male 1/4 1/4 Braze Tubing Adapter 6 38.6 (1.52) 21.1 (.83) 19 (.75) - - 16.0 (.63)
5401-S14-4-4* Female 1/4 1/4 Braze Tubing Adapter 7 39.9 (1.57) 21.1 (.83) 16.0 (.63) 19 (.75) 16.0 (.63)
5401-S17-6-4* Male 1/4 3/8 Braze Tubing Adapter 6 38.6 (1.52) 21.1 (.83) 19 (.75) - - 16.0 (.63)
5401-S14-6-4* Female 1/4 3/8 Braze Tubing Adapter 7 39.9 (1.57) 21.1 (.83) 16.0 (.63) 19 (.75) 16.0 (.63)
5410-S17-6-8* Male 1/2 3/8 Braze Tubing Adapter 6 44.5 (1.75) 33.3 (1.31) 29 (1.14) - - 25.4 (1.00)
5401-S14-6-8* Female 1/2 3/8 Braze Tubing Adapter 7 50.8 (2.00) 33.3 (1.31) 26 (1.02) 30 (1.18) 25.4 (1.00)
5401-S17-8-8* Male 1/2 1/2 Braze Tubing Adapter 6 44.5 (1.75) 33.3 (1.31) 29 (1.14) - - 25.4 (1.00)
5401-S14-8-8* Female 1/2 1/2 Braze Tubing Adapter 7 50.8 (2.00) 33.3 (1.31) 26 (1.02) 30 (1.18) 25.4 (1.00)
5401-S17-10-12* Male - 5/8 Braze Tubing Adapter 6 62.7 (2.47) 45.7 (1.80) 41 (1.62) - - 35.1 (1.38)
5401-S14-10-12* Female - 5/8 Braze Tubing Adapter 7 73.2 (2.88) 45.7 (1.80) 35 (1.38) 41 (1.62) 35.1 (1.38)
5401-S17-12-12* Male - - Braze Tubing Adapter 6 62.7 (2.47) 45.7 (1.80) 41 (1.62) - - 35.1 (1.38)
5401-S14-12-12* Female - - Braze Tubing Adapter 7 73.2 (2.88) 45.7 (1.80) 35 (1.38) 41 (1.62) 35.1 (1.38)
5401-S17-16-16* Male 1 1 Braze Tubing Adapter 6 71.1 (2.80) 56.9 (2.24) 48 (1.89) - - 44.5 (1.75)
5401-S14-16-16* Female 1 1 Braze Tubing Adapter 7 84.8 (3.34) 56.9 (2.24) 45 (1.77) 50 (1.97) 44.5 (1.75)
Dust Caps and Dust Plugs Dust Cap Dust Plug
Dust Cap with Gasket Dust Plug with Gasket Body Size
5400-S6-8 5400-S8-8 1/2 5400-S6-12 5400-S8-12 - 5400-S6-16 5400-S8-16 1
Adapter SAE
37° (JIC) Adapter SAE 37° (JIC)
O-Ring Brass Steel Body Size Thread Tube O.D- Size
22546-12 202220-4-4B 202220-4-4S 1/4 7/16-20 1/4 22546-12 202220-6-4B 202220-6-4S 1/4 9/16-18 3/8 22546-17 -202220-6-8S 1/2 9/16-18 3/8 22546-17 202220-8-8B 202220-8-8S 1/2 .-16 1/2
22546-23 -22546-23 - 202220-10-12S 202220-12-12S - - 7/8-14 1 1/16-12 5/8 -
22546-28 - 202220-16-16S - 1 3/16-12 1
Adapter – Braze Adapter – Braze
22546-17 202208-8-8B - 1/2 7/8-20 1/2
2254617 202208-10-8B 202208-10-8S 1/2 7/8-20 5/8
22546-23 202208-10-12B 202208-10-12S - 1 1/4-18 5/8
22546-23 202208-12-12B - - 1 1/4-18 -
22546-23 202208-14-12B - - 1 1/4-18 7/8
22546-28 202208-14-16B - 1 1 19/32-20 7/8
22546-28 202208-16-16B - 1 1 19/32-20 1
22546-28 202208-18-16B - 1 1 19/32-20 1 1/8
22546-28 202208-20-16B - 1 1 19/32-20 1 3/16
22546-28 202208-22-16B - 1 1 19/32-20 1 1/4
Hose Fitting SAE 100R5- Dimensions Hose Fitting SAE 100R5 O-Ring Fitting Assembly Body Size Hose Size Thread D (O-Ring Required)
mm (in) 22546-12 487-4-4S 1/4 -4 1/2-20 23.4 (.92) 22546-12 487-4-6S 1/4 -6 1/2-20 24.4 (.96) 22546-17 487-8-6S 1/2 -6 7/8-20 24.4 (.96) 22546-17 487-8-8S 1/2 -8 7/8-20 26.9 (1.06)
22546-23 487-12-10S - -10 1 1/4-18 27.2 (1.07)
DANFOSS 5400系列制冷行业5400-S5-8快速接头和DANFOSS 5400-S2-8快速接头库存大量现货。
.Additional dash styles available-
5400 Series Low Air Inclusion Refrigerant 5400 Series Low Air Inclusion Refrigerant
For assemblies, order by components as shown by base number and dash (-) size below- Example, if a 5401-S14-10-12 is required, order as components, (1) 5400-S5-12, (1) 202208-10-12B Adapter and (1) 22546-23 O-Ring-
Assembly Part Number 5400-S2 Male Half Quantity 5400-S5 Female Half Quantity 202208-Brass Braze-On Adapter Quantity 202220-Steel 37- SAE Adapter Quantity 22546 O-Ring Quantity
5401-S14-10-12 -12 1 -10 -12B 1 -23 1
5401-S14-10-8 -8 1 -10 -8B -17 1
5401-S14-12-12 -12 1 -12 -12B 1 -23 1
5401-S14-16-16 -16 1 -16 -16B 1 -28 1
5401-S14-4-4 -4 1 -4 -4B 1 -12 1
5401-S14-6-4 -4 1 -6 -4B 1 -12 1
5401-S14-6-8 -8 1 -6 -8B 1 -17 1
5401-S14-8-8 -8 1 -8 -8B 1 -17 1
5401-S17-10-12 -12 1 -10 -12B 1 -23 1
5401-S17-10-8 -8 1 -10 -8B 1 -17 1
5401-S17-12-12 -12 1 -12 -12 1 -23 1
5401-S17-14-16 -16 1 -16 -16 1 -28 1
5401-S17-4-4 -4 1 -4 -4B 1 -17 1
5401-S17-6-4 -4 1 -6 -4B 1 -12 1
5401-S17-6-8 -8 1 -6 -8B 1 -17 1
5401-S17-8-8 -8 1 -8 -8B 1 -17 1
5410-12-12 -12 1 -12 1 -12 -12S 2 -23 2
5410-16-16 -16 1 -16 1 -16 -16S 2 -28 2
5410-4-4 -4 1 -4 1 -4 -4S 2 -12 2
5410-6-8 -8 1 -8 1 -6 -8S 2 -17 2
5410-8-8 -8 1 -8 1 -8 -8S 2 -17 2
5410-S14-10-12 -12 1 -10 -12S 1 -23 1
5410-S14-12-12 -12 1 -12 -12S 1 -23 1
5410-S14-16-16 -16 1 -16 -16S 1 -28 1
5410-S14-4-4 -4 1 -4 -4S 1 -12 1
5410-S14-6-4 -4 1 -6 -4S 1 -12 1
5410-S14-6-8 -8 1 -6 -8S 1 -17 1
5410-S14-8-8 -8 1 -8 -8S 1 -17 1
5410-S17-10-12 -12 1 -10 -12S 1 -23 1
5410-S17-12-12 -12 1 -12 -12S 1 -23 1
5410-S17-16-16 -16 1 -16 -16S 1 -28 1
5410-S17-4-4 -4 1 -4 -4S 1 -12 1
5410-S17-6-4 -4 1 -6 -4S 1 -12 1
5410-S17-6-8 -8 1 -6 -8S 1 -17 1
5410-S17-8-8 -8 1 -8 -8S 1 -17 1
CTI Aeroquip,其他,型号:5400-S2-12,用途:Helium Line Coupling
CTI 氦气接头 Danfoss Hansen 5400-S5-8
5400-S2-4; 5400-S5-4
CTI 氦气接头
cti氦气接头_氦气接头_CTI 氦气接头 Danfoss Hansen 5400-S5 ...
CTI 氦气接头 Danfoss Hansen 5400-S5-8,其他制冷设备
cti氦气接头_氦气接头_CTI 氦气接头 5400-S2-12
CTI 氦气接头 5400-S2-12的详细页面。加工定制:否,品牌:CTI Aeroquip,其他,型号:5400-S2-12,用途:Helium Line Coupling,类型:腔体,其他,种类:氦气接头 ...
供应CTI 氦气接头 Aeroquip 5400
供应CTI 氦气接头 Aeroquip 5400 ,供应CTI 氦气接头 Aeroquip 5400
cti氦气接头_氦气接头_CTI 氦气接头 Aeroquip 5400
品牌 CTI Aeroquip,其他 型号 5400-S5-4 用途 Helium Line Coupling 类型 低温泵,其他 种类 氦气接头
CTI 氦气接头价格_CTI 氦气接头厂家
CTI 氦气接头厂家直接供货价格优势明显, 用途 Helium Line Coupling类型 低温泵种类 氦气接头 CTI HELIUM LINE STRAIGHT COUPLERMALE
氦气接头_CTI/ Applied Materials 8031135 Helix 3/4" Adapter ...
CTI/ Applied Materials 8031135 Helix 3/4" Adapter Coupling,其他制冷设备
CTI/Applied Materials 8031135 Helix 3/4" Adapter Coupling
CTI 氦气管接头 Aeroquip MALE COUPLING 5400-S2-12
提供CTI 氦气管接头 Aeroquip MALE COUPLING 5400-S2-12
CTI 氦气管接头 Aeroquip MALE COUPLING 5400-S2-12
CTI Cryopump He Compressor
CTI 氦气接头 Aeroquip 5400-S2-12
CTI 9600 Helium Compressor 8135900G001 氦气压缩机
CTI Pressure Gauge
CTI Pressure Regulator Brass ...
CTI Granville-Phillips,InstruTech
CTI Granville-Phillips,InstruTechCTI,Granville-Phillips,InstruTech
CTI 氦气接头 Aeroquip 5400
CTI 氦气接头
Assembly Instructions/Component Part Numbers
Typical Male Coupling Half (S2)
Assembly Instructions
1- After tubing or hose has been connected to adapters
1 and
12 , install O-Rings
2 and
11 - on adapters- Be sure O-Rings are not twisted-
2- Oil O-Rings
2 liberally with system fluid to prevent them from scuffing and tearing when coupling body is threaded on adapter-
3- S2 Half—Lubricate poppet face with system fluid- Insert poppet valve assembly
3 into body
4 - Tighten body 4 on adapter 1 - After body and adapter make metal-to-metal contact, tighten by rotating body
4 1/8” with respect to adapter
1 or torque per table value-
S5 Half—Oil O-Ring 9 - liberally with system fluid- Insert valve and sleeve assembly 10 into body
8 - Tighten body
on adapter
12 - After body and adapter make met-al-to-metal contact, tighten by rotating body 8 1/8” with respect to adapter
12 or torque per table value-
4- Coupling Connection—Lubricate gasket seal
5 on 5400-S2 half with system fluid- Thread union nut
on 5400-S2 half- Tighten union nut to torque values shown in table- Be sure S2 and S5 bodies do not rotate during connection-
Component Part Numbers
Item Dash Size –4 Number O.D- Tube Size 1/4”–3/8”
Typical Female Coupling Half (S5)
Bulkhead Mounting—S2 Half
Install lock washer
6 on S2 half- Insert S2 half through bulkhead, and tighten jam nut
7 so that lock washer teeth are fully compressed-
NOTE: Lock washer 6 must be between hex of S2 half and bulkhead-
Maximum Bulkhead Thickness
Body Lock Washer Lock Washer Size Installed Not Used
- .206 .256
- .136 .203
- .232 .292
1 .101 .161
Torque Values
Recommended torque values in ft- lbs., are listed below-
Adapter to Body
Dash Braze Type Non-braze Type S2 Half Size or Aluminum Steel or Brass to S5 Half
–4 6–8 12–15 10–12
–8 15–20 35–45 35–37
–12 35–40 45–55 45–47
–16 50–60 55–65 65–67
.IMPORTANT: Generous lubrication is required for all gaskets and O-Rings- Use refrigeration oil only when used in refrigerant system-
–8 –12 –16 Line 1/4”–5/8” 5/8”–7/8” 7/8”–13/8” Ref-
Typical Male Half 1
1 Tubing Adapter 202208–*–4 202208–*–8 202208–*–12 202208–*–16 2
2 O-Ring 22546–12 22546–17 22546–23 22546–28 3
3 Poppet Valve Assembly 5400–S20–4 5400–S20–8 5400–S20–12 5400–S20–16 4
4 Body 5400–17–4S 5400–17–8S 5400–17–12S 5400–17–16S 5
5 Gasket Seal 22008–4 22008–8 22008–12 22008–16 6
6 Lock Washer 5400–54–4S 5400–54–8S 5400–54–12S 5400–54–16S 7
7 Jam Nut 5400–53–4S 5400–53–8S 5400–53–12S 5400–53–16S 8
Typical Female Half 9
8 Union Nut and Body Assembly 5400–S16–4 5400–S16–8 5400–S16–12 5400–S16–16 10
9 O-Ring FF91178–10 FF91178–112 FF91178–116 FF91178–214 11
10 Valve and Sleeve Assembly 5400–S19–4 5400–S19–8 5400–S19–12 5400–S19–16 12
11 O-Ring 22546–12 22546–17 22546–23 22546–28 13
12 Tubing Adapter 202208–*–4 202208–*–8 202208–*–12 202208–*–16 14
*Specify O.D- Tubing size of adapter required in 16th of an inch- Example: –4 coupling with 3/8” O.D- tubing is 6/16 or –6- Part number is then 202208–6–4-