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Trelleborg特瑞堡密封系统半导体密封件Semiconductor Seals 产品Products


我们致力于提供工业化解决办法,并且为用户提供定制化的密封和轴承解决方案,提高其应用性能。尤其在下列行业内我们拥有丰富的经验和成熟的系统解决方案。 Since we specialize in industry-specific solutions, we are able to provide customers tailor-made sealing and bearing solutions, specifically developed to meet their application requirements. In particular, we have long term experience in sealing and bearing applications within the following sector


我们致力于提供工业化解决办法,并且为用户提供定制化的密封和轴承解决方案,提高其应用性能。尤其在下列行业内我们拥有丰富的经验和成熟的系统解决方案。 Since we specialize in industry-specific solutions, we are able to provide customers tailor-made sealing and bearing solutions, specifically developed to meet their application requirements. In particular, we have long term experience in sealing and bearing applications within the following sectors:



充气密封 金属组合密封 Fleximold O形圈 Turcon Varilip PDR Turcon Variseal Turcon Variseal NW Turcon Variseal PS Turcon Variseal Ultra Clean V-Ring Wills Rings


Airseals是由管状弹性体制成的可充气密封件,通过内部加压激活。 它们非常适用,例如洁净室中的真空锁和通道门,从而取代了传统的平垫圈和O形圈,在这些专业应用中提高了性能。


特瑞堡密封系统可以有效地将 FKM 和 Isolast 和不同材料,如不锈钢和低碳钢,铝,黄铜和各种塑料等制作成组合密封件。



  • 大化密封完整性
  • 减少凹槽空隙的污染
  • 易于组装
  • 减少库存
  • 高性价比


凭借专有的FlexiMold技术,特瑞堡密封系统可以 生产高精度,大直径的O形圈和其他密封型材 。 FlexiMold巨型密封件的 质量远优于 那些通过拼接密封件或由挤压线圈制成的密封件。

密封件展示了 模塑产品的视觉和尺寸完整性 。 无需专用工具即可生产,灵活的生产方式大程度地缩短了交货时间和成本。


推荐用于超过500 mm / 20英寸的O形圈和其他密封型材。

  • 符合 ISO 3601-1,AS568 和 JIS B 2401 标准,可生产几乎 无限大的直径 。
  • 如果O形圈具有标准横截面,则 无需模具费 。
  • 可以提供 更大和特殊的横截面 以及其他密封型材。
  • 提供 多种弹性体 ,包括IsolastFFKM,ResifluorFluoroelastomers,FKM,EPDM和HNBR。
  • 密封件生产 “零”缺陷质量要求 ,零件包装和单独标记。
  • 提供Class 100洁净室 清洗和包装,以及快递服务。

大型O形圈和密封件主要用于半导体工业中的 平板显示器 生产。


特瑞堡密封系统提供各种O形圈,可在成本效益和性能之间取得平衡。 可提供任何尺寸的O形圈(标准或定制),包括使用Fleximold工艺的巨型O形圈。




  • nge
  • Resifluor 500

点击查找更多有关于 O形圈 和Fleximold的信息

Turcon Varilip PDR

TurconVarilipPDR (高性能,耐久,可靠) 旋转轴密封 件由一个或 多个TurconPTFE基材密封元件 构成,固定在 精密加工的金属体中 。

Turcon密封元件在轴上提供正向动态密封,而金属主体可为壳体提供坚固的静态密封, 在高转速下有效运行 。


该密封件具有低摩擦和无爬行的特点,可 降低温度 , 允许更高的圆周速度并降低功耗 。测试表明, 在Fomblin油 (通常用于半导体真空泵)中运行时,TurconVarilipPDR的扭矩( 仅相当于径向油封扭矩的50%左右 )。这样可以延长服务寿命,维修将时间大限度地延长,从而提高生产率。


?低摩擦, 有助于减少功率磨损和摩擦生热
? 独特的 自润滑流体特性 进一步减少了摩擦
?多唇口配置, 满足大多数密封需求


? 耐用 于恶劣环境
?有效的 静态外周密封
?可选择高品质金属, 包括不锈钢,铝和其他特殊金属,如Hastelloy或Titanium
? 卓越的精密加工表面, 可改善静态界面的密封性

Overall Turcon Varilip PDR seal

?高速运转能力 高达每秒100米/每分钟19,680英尺
? 工作温度范围 -60°至200°C / -76°至392°F
?可用于 干运行和软轴
? 径向油封沟槽 的改造
? 无限保质期 ,无特殊存储要求

Turcon Variseal

现场证明,在极端的气体和液体处理情况下,Variseal弹簧通电Turcon-PTFE基密封件已用于苛刻的半导体密封应用,包括高真空和腐蚀性环境Field-proven in extreme gas and liquid handling situations, Variseal spring-energized Turcon PTFE based seals have been used in the most demanding of semiconductor sealing applications , including high vacuum and corrosive environments.

系统完整性高High level of system integrity

通过正确选择聚四氟乙烯,填充聚四氟乙烯化合物和适当的弹簧材料和型材,Turcon Variseal可以提供高水平的系统完整性。With the correct selection of PTFE, filled PTFE compounds and appropriate spring material and profile, Turcon Variseal can provide the highest level of system integrity .

对于静态和动态应用,Turcon Variseal具有低摩擦特性,从而延长了使用寿命。For static and dynamic applications, Turcon Variseal demonstrates low-friction characteristics, leading to extended service life .

Turcon Variseal NW

The Turcon case of this flange seal encompasses the energizing spring in such a way that there can be no possible contact between the spring or spring cavity and system media . Ideal for semiconductor applications, it can operate in a vacuum and is proven in fluorine gas.

Features of the Turcon Variseal NW seal:

  • Operates in extreme temperatures from -253°C/-423°F to 260°C/500°F 操作温度从-253°C/423°F到260°C/500°F
  • Vacuum capability in air to 10-9mbar/ l/s
  • Excellent wear and friction characteristics优良磨损与摩擦特性
  • Compatible with virtually all media and gases including fluorine gas at high temperature
  • Available in custom sizes and standard dimensions with easy retrofit of current NW elastomer seals

Turcon Variseal PS

这种高性能密封件采用Turcon-PTFE基密封体设计,包括一个聚合物弹簧弹簧设计用于在低压下精确地为密封件通电,同时使用系统介质压力保持高压密封的完整性。Turcon Variseal PS具有符合半标准F57-0301的超低滤出杂质和小的排气量,非常适合用于半导体湿法加工。This high-performance seal has been designed with a Turcon PTFE based sealing body, encompassing a polymeric spring. The spring is engineered to energize the seal precisely at low pressures, while maintaining high-pressure sealing integrity using the system media pressure. The Turcon Variseal PS has ultra-low leach out impurities as per SEMI standard F57-0301 and minimal outgassing , making it ideal for use in semiconductor wet processing.

Features of the Turcon Variseal PS seal: Turcon Variseal PS密封的特点:

  • Ultra-low leach out and no outgassing 超低浸出率,不脱气
  • Thermal stability from -253°C/-423°F to 80°C/176°F 从-253°C/-423°F到80°C/176°F的热稳定性
  • Vacuum sealing 5.3 x 10-8 mbar/l/s-1 (4.7 x 10-8 psi/in3/s-1) per mm length of seal circumference
  • Excellent wear and friction characteristics 优良的磨损和摩擦特性
  • Compatible with virtually all chemicals 几乎与所有化学品兼容
  • Available in standard and custom seal designs 提供标准和定制密封设计

Turcon Variseal Ultra Clean

这一涡轮极其干净的密封在清洁的终极,使它理想地在处理设备中使用,在那里保持一个极其干净的系统是一个优先事项。在独特的超清洁涡轮设计中,激活海豹的春季要求完全封闭在涡轮内。在半导体制造中,当定时污染可以抑制波纹效应时,可提取的金属被完全排除在外。This Turcon Variseal Ultra-Clean seal offers the ultimate in cleanliness , making it ideal for use in processing equipment where maintaining an ultra-clean system is a priority. In the unique design of Turcon Variseal Ultra-Clean, the spring required to activate the seal is fully enclosed within a Turcon case. This means, in semiconductor fabrication, where the minutest contamination can destroy the effectiveness of wafers, metal extractables are totally excluded.

Features of the Turcon Variseal Ultra-Clean seal: 涡轮变压器超清洁密封的特征

  • Operates in extreme temperatures from -253°C / -423°F to 260°C / 500°F 操作温度从-253°C/-423°F至260°C/500°F
  • Withstands high pressures in excess of 100 bar / 1450 psi
  • Excellent wear and friction characteristics 优良磨损与摩擦特性
  • Compatible with virtually all media
  • Suitable for piston, rod, face rotary, reciprocating and static situations
  • Easy retrofit into standard AS-568 O-Ring and Variseal grooves


V形密封圈是一种独特的旋转轴全橡胶密封件,在保留润滑剂的同时,提供了防止介质(包括污垢、灰尘和水)进入的完美解决方案。典型的应用是化学机械抛光或晶圆切割设备,其工作速度可达12 m/s/39 ft/s。A unique all rubber seal for rotary shafts , V-Ring offers the perfect solution to prevent ingress of media including dirt, dust and water while retaining lubricant . Typical applications are on chemical mechanical polish or wafer dicing equipment, where it operates at a velocity up to 12 m/s / 39 ft/s.

Recommended sealing materials:

  • FKM
  • Isolast Fab Range

Wills Rings

Wills Rings是初的金属密封件,设计用于超过聚合物密封能力的极端条件下使用。Wills Rings are the original metal seals engineered for use in extreme conditions where the capabilities of polymeric seals are exceeded.


在低温至850°C/1562°F的温度下工作,它们可承受高达1000兆帕/145038磅/平方英寸、10000巴的硬真空压力。它们是连接器、法兰和板静态密封的理想选择Proven in the most demanding of conditions
Operating in temperatures from cryogenic up to 850°C / 1562°F , they withstand pressures from hard vacuum up to 1000 MPa / 145038 psi, 10000 bar. They are ideal for static sealing of connectors, flanges and plates.


Wills Rings可用于多种金属中,包括o形截面或c形截面,可充压或系统压力激活。Available in various sections and metals
Wills Rings are available in a wide range of metals, both in O-cross section or C-cross section with either pressure filled or system pressure activation .

Click here to find our Wills Rings product pages:

  • Wills Rings C
  • Wills Rings O




Trelleborg 特瑞堡密封系统是全球领先的密封解决方案供应商。 我们的产品范围包括 O形圈 液压密封件旋转密封件油封 静态密封件气动密封件机械端面密封件等等。 Trelleborg Sealing Solutions is a leading global supplier of sealing solutions. Our range of products includes O-Rings , hydraulic seals , rotary shaft seals , oil seals , static seals , pneumatic seals , mechanical face seals and many more.


信德迈科技(北京)有限公司 - CNMEC Technology
美国DMK Engineering Solutions公司

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